Produzione scientifica
Found 7 results
Filtri: Parola Chiave is Mediterranean basin [Clear All Filters]
Energy demands of buildings in the framework of climate change: An investigation across Europe,
, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 60, (2020)
Size resolved aerosol respiratory doses in a Mediterranean urban area: From PM10 to ultrafine particles,
, Environment International, Volume 141, (2020)
Decrease in surface ozone concentrations at Mediterranean remote sites and increase in the cities,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 79, p.705-715, (2013)
Middle and late Pleistocene glaciations in the Campo Felice Basin (central Apennines, Italy),
, Quaternary Research, Volume 75, Number 1, p.219-230, (2011)
The olive-Bactrocera oleae (Diptera Tephritidae) system in the Mediterranean Basin: a physiologically based analysis driven by the ERA-40 climate data,
, Notiziario sulla Protezione delle Piante, 2010, Volume 1, p.113-128, (2010)
Climate warming effects on the Olea europaea-Bactrocera oleae system in Mediterranean islands: Sardinia as an example,
, Global Change Biology, 2009///, Volume 15, p.2874 - 2884, (2009)