Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Autore is Papiol, V. and Parola Chiave is feeding behavior [Clear All Filters]
Trophic ecology of Lampanyctus crocodilus on north-west Mediterranean Sea slopes in relation to reproductive cycle and environmental variables,
, Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 84, Number 6, p.1654-1688, (2014)
Food web structure of deep-sea macrozooplankton and micronekton off the Catalan slope: Insight from stable isotopes,
, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 87, Number 1, p.79-89, (2011)
Trophic relationships at intrannual spatial and temporal scales of macro and megafauna around a submarine canyon off the Catalonian coast (western Mediterranean),
, Journal of Sea Research, Volume 63, Number 3-4, p.180-190, (2010)