Produzione scientifica
Found 3 results
Filtri: Autore is Di Paola, M. and Parola Chiave is adult [Clear All Filters]
Distribution of causes of death in communities with different urbanization levels [Distribuzione delle cause di morte in comuni a diverso grado di urbanizzazione.],
, Epidemiologia e prevenzione, Volume 24, Number 1, p.28-37, (2000)
Unusually high incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a town of eastern Sicily: An epidemiological and environmental study,
, Archives of Environmental Health, Volume 55, Number 6, p.392-398, (2000)
Asbestos-related lung cancer mortality in Piedmont, Italy,
, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 33, Number 6, p.565-570, (1998)