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Filtri: Autore is Ruti, P.M. and Parola Chiave is Weather forecasting [Clear All Filters]
Short-term predictability of photovoltaic production over Italy,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 80, p.197-204, (2015)
Electricity demand forecasting over Italy: Potential benefits using numerical weather prediction models,
, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 104, p.71-79, (2013)
Amma-Model intercomparison project,
, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 91, Number 1, p.95-104, (2010)
Multiyear simulation of the African climate using a regional climate model (RegCM3) with the high resolution ERA-interim reanalysis,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 35, Number 1, p.231-247, (2010)
Does the subtropical jet catalyze the midlatitude atmospheric regimes?,
, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 33, Number 6, (2006)
An integrated forecast system over the Mediterranean basin: Extreme surge prediction in the northern Adriatic Sea,
, Monthly Weather Review, Volume 130, Number 5, p.1317-1332, (2002)