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Produzione scientifica

Found 7393 results
Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of epoxy/expanded graphite nanosheet composites, Jović, N., Dudić D., Montone Amelia, Antisari M.V., Mitrić M., and Djoković V. , Scripta Materialia, Volume 58, Number 10, p.846-849, (2008)
A theorem of beltrami and the integration of the geodesic equations, Boccaletti, D., Catoni F., Cannata R., and Zampetti P. , 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories - Proc. of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity, Berlin, p.2261-2263, (2008)
Thermohaline variability of Mediterranean Water in the Gulf of Cadiz, 1948-1999, Fusco, G., Artale V., Cotroneo Y., and Sannino Gianmaria , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 55, Number 12, p.1624-1638, (2008)
Thin-film bulk-acoustic-resonator gas sensor functionalized with a nanocomposite Langmuir-Blodgett layer of carbon nanotubes, Penza, Michele, Aversa Patrizia, Cassano Gennaro, Suriano Domenico, Wlodarski W., Benetti M., Cannatà D., Di Pietrantonio F., and Verona E. , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 55, Number 5, p.1237-1243, (2008)
Time-resolving analysis of cryotropic gelation of water/poly(vinyl alcohol) solutions via small-angle neutron scattering, Auriemma, F., De Rosa C., Ricciardi Rosa, Celso F.L., Triolo R., and Pipich V. , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 112, Number 3, p.816-823, (2008)
Time-spatial variability observed in velocity of propagation of the internal bore in the Strait of Gibraltar, Garrido, J.C. Sánchez, J. Lafuente García, F. Aldeanueva Criado, Baquerizo A., and Sannino Gianmaria , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 113, Number 7, (2008)
TinyNose: Developing a wireless e-nose platform for distributed air quality monitoring applications, De Vito, S., Massera E., Burrasca G., Di Girolamo A., Miglietta M., Di Francia G., and Della Sala Dario , Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, Lecce, p.701-704, (2008)
TiO 2 doped with nitrogen: Synthesis and characterization, Abazović, N.D., Montone Amelia, Mirenghi L., Janković I.A., and Čomor M.I. , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 8, Number 2, p.613-618, (2008)
Trichlorfon effects on mouse oocytes following in vivo exposure, Ranaldi, R., Gambuti G., Eichenlaub-Ritter U., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 651, Number 1-2, p.125-130, (2008)
Trichlorfon-induced polyploidy and nondisjunction in mouse oocytes from preantral follicle culture, Sun, F., Betzendahl I., Van Wemmel K., Cortvrindt R., Smitz J., Pacchierotti Francesca, and Eichenlaub-Ritter U. , Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 651, Number 1-2, p.114-124, (2008)
Trichloroethene dechlorination and H2 evolution are alternative biological pathways of electric charge utilization by a dechlorinating culture in a bioelectrochemical system, Aulenta, F., Canosa A., Majone M., Panero S., Reale P., and Rossetti S. , Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 42, Number 16, p.6185-6190, (2008)
Trigonometry in the minkowski plane, Catoni, F., Boccaletti D., Cannata R., Catoni V., Nichelatti E., and Zampetti P. , Frontiers in Mathematics, Volume 2008, p.27-56, (2008)
Tuning the LUMO level of the acceptor to increase the open-circuit voltage of polymer-fullerene solar cells: A quantum chemical study, Morvillo, Pasquale, and Bobeico E. , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 92, Number 10, p.1192-1198, (2008)
Una introduzione alle biotecnologie e alla ingegneria genetica nel settore agro-alimentare. L’uomo rifà se stesso, , Villaggio globale trimestrale di ecologia, Volume n.41, (2008)
Understanding structural/functional properties of immunoconjugates for cancer therapy by computational approaches, Arcangeli, Caterina, Cantale Cristina, Galeffi Patrizia, Gianese G., Paparcone R., and Rosato V. , Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Volume 26, Number 1, p.35-47, (2008)
Uniform and accelerated motions in the minkowski space-time (Twin Paradox), Catoni, F., Boccaletti D., Cannata R., Catoni V., Nichelatti E., and Zampetti P. , Frontiers in Mathematics, Volume 2008, p.57-72, (2008)
Urban green and its relation with air pollution: Ecological studies in the metropolitan area of Rome, Manes, F., Salvatori Elisabetta, La Torre G., Villari P., Vitale M., Biscontini D., and Incerti G. , Italian Journal of Public Health, Volume 5, Number 4, p.278-283, (2008)
Use of the gyrB gene to discriminate among species of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, Tabacchioni, Silvia, Ferri L., Manno G., Mentasti M., Cocchi P., Campana S., Ravenni N., Taccetti G., Dalmastri Claudia, Chiarini L., et al. , FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2008///, Volume 281, p.175 - 182, (2008)
Validation of a stable recombinant antibodies repertoire for the direct selection of functional intracellular reagents, Villani, Maria Elena, Carli M.D., Donini Marcello, Traversini G., Lico Chiara, Franconi Rosella, Benvenuto Eugenio, and Desiderio Angiola , Journal of Immunological Methods, Volume 329, Number 1-2, p.11-20, (2008)
Viral vectors for production of recombinant proteins in plants, Lico, Chiara, Chen Q., and Santi L. , Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2008, Volume 216, p.366 - 377, (2008)
Wave breaking macrofeatures on a submerged rubble mound breakwater, Calabrese, M., Buccino M., and Pasanisi F. , Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, Jan-04-2008, Volume 1, Issue 3-4, Number 3-4, p.216-225, (2008)
When Consumption Generate Social Capital: Creating Room for Manoeuvre for Pro-Poor Policies, Becchetti, Leonardo, and Michetti Melania , African Journal of Business & Management, Volume 4, Number 14, p.2903–2914, (2008)
Xenobiotic activity in serum and sperm chromatin integrity in European and inuit populations., Krüger, Tanja, Spanò M., Long Manhai, Eleuteri Patrizia, Rescia Michele, Hjelmborg Philip S., Manicardi Gian-Carlo, Bizzaro Davide, Giwercman Alexander, Toft Gunnar, et al. , Mol Reprod Dev, 2008 Apr, Volume 75, Issue 4, Number 4, p.669-80, (2008)