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Produzione scientifica

Found 7413 results
Multisource water characterisation for water supply and management strategies on a small Mediterranean Island, Cappucci, Sergio, and Proposito Marco , Hydrogeology Journal, Jan-06-2020, Volume 28, Issue 4, p.1155 - 1171, (2020)
Murine glucocorticoid receptors orchestrate b cell migration selectively between bone marrow and blood, Cain, Derek W., Bortner Carl D., Diaz-Jimenez David, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Gruver-Yates Amanda, and Cidlowski John A. , Journal of Immunology, Volume 205, Number 3, p.619 – 629, (2020)
NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) project “BioPhyMeTRE”: “Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies”, Testa, Antonella, Patrono Clarice, Palma Valentina, Kenzhina L., Mamyrbayeva A., Biyakhmetova D., Zhamaldinov F., S. Monaca Della, Fattibene P., Quattrini M.C., et al. , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 43, Number 6, (2020)
Natural Beta-Carotene: a Microalgae Derivate for Nutraceutical Applications, Marino, Tiziana, Casella Patrizia, Sangiorgio Paola, Verardi Alessandra, Ferraro Angelo, Hristoforou E., Molino Antonio, and Musmarra D. , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS (CET), Volume 79, p.103-108, (2020)
Nature-based solution for reducing CO2 levels in museum environments: A phytoremediation study for the Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper", Salvatori, Elisabetta, Gentile C., Altieri A., Aramini F., and Manes F. , Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 12, Number 2, (2020)
Nearshore Sandbar Classification of Sabaudia (Italy) with LiDAR Data: The FHyL Approach, Taramelli, Andrea, Cappucci Sergio, Valentini Emiliana, Rossi Lorenzo, and Lisi Iolanda , Remote Sensing, Jan-04-2020, Volume 12, Issue 7, p.1053, (2020)
Necroptosis in intestinal inflammation and cancer: New concepts and therapeutic perspectives, Negroni, Anna, Colantoni Eleonora, Cucchiara S., and Stronati Laura , Biomolecules, Volume 10, Issue 10, Number 10, p.1-20, (2020)
Neurocognitive decline following radiotherapy: Mechanisms and therapeutic implications, Pazzaglia, Simonetta, Briganti Giovanni, Mancuso Mariateresa, and Saran Anna , Cancers, Volume 12, Number 1, (2020)
New insights on metals in the Arctic aerosol in a climate changing world, Becagli, S., Caiazzo Laura, Di Iorio Tatiana, Di Sarra Alcide, Meloni Daniela, Muscari G., Pace Giandomenico, Severi M., and Traversi R. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 741, (2020)
A novel model independence methodology to improve multi-model seasonal forecasts combination, Catalano, Franco, Alessandri Andrea, Nielsen Kristian, Cionni Irene, and De Felice Matteo , EGU General Assembly, (2020)
Novel optimized biopolymer-based nanoparticles for nose-to-brain delivery in the treatment of depressive diseases, Sorrentino, A., Cataldo Antonino, Curatolo R., Tagliatesta P., Mosca L., and Bellucci S. , RSC Advances, Volume 10, Number 48, p.28941-28949, (2020)
A numerical investigation for dating 210Pbex and 137Cs vertical profiles in a coastal area: The Eastern Ligurian Sea, Italy, Buffoni, G., Schirone Antonio, and Delfanti Roberta , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 212, (2020)
Olive mill wastes: A source of bioactive molecules for plant growth and protection against pathogens, Sciubba, F., Chronopoulou L., Pizzichini Daniele, Lionetti V., Fontana C., Aromolo R., Socciarelli S., Gambelli L., Bartolacci B., Finotti E., et al. , Biology, Volume 9, Number 12, p.1-20, (2020)
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from sustainable crops, Del Fiore, Antonella, Colonna Nicola, Crinò Paola, Cuna Daniela, Stamigna Catia, Tolaini Valentina, and Patrizia De Rossi , 5th IMEKO FOODS Metrology for Sustainable Food Production, Number ISBN:978-80-213-3036-8, (2020)
Open field evaluation of Aculodes altamurgensis, a recently described eriophyid species associated with medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), Cristofaro, M., Roselli G., Marini F., de Lillo E., Petanovic R.U., Vidović B., Augé M., and Rector B.G. , Biocontrol Science and Technology, (2020)
Optimisation of PD-FcY veterinary antigen secretion from Nicotiana benthamiana hairy roots and purification from the culture medium, Rage, E., Marusic Carla, Lico Chiara, Salzano A. M., Scaloni A., Baschieri Selene, and Donini Marcello , PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE, Volume 142, Number 1, p.23–39, (2020)
Optimised production of an anti-fungal antibody in Solanaceae hairy roots to develop new formulations against Candida albicans, Catellani, Marcello, Lico Chiara, Cerasi M., Massa Silvia, Bromuro C., Torosantucci A., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Capodicasa Cristina , BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume 20, (2020)
Organic waste biorefineries: Looking towards implementation, Alibardi, L., Astrup T.F., Asunis F., Clarke W.P., De Gioannis G., Dessì P., Lens P.N.L., Lavagnolo M.C., Lombardi L., Muntoni A., et al. , Waste Management, Volume 114, p.274-286, (2020)
Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: A threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, Agathokleous, E., Feng Z., Oksanen E., Sicard P., Wang Q., Saitanis C.J., Araminienė V., Blande J.D., Hayes F., Calatayud V., et al. , Science Advances, Volume 6, Number 33, (2020)
Ozone biomonitoring: A versatile tool for science, education and regulation, Agathokleous, E., Saitanis C. J., Feng Z., De Marco Alessandra, Araminienė V., Domingos M., Sicard P., and Paoletti E. , CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & HEALTH, Volume 18, p.7–13, (2020)
Partial Stabilization of Mo-Containing Hazardous Wastes Using a Ferrous Sulfate-Based Additive as a Redox Agent, Mancini, G., Palmeri F., Luciano Antonella, Viotti P., and Fino D. , Waste and Biomass Valorization, Volume 11, Number 10, p.5493-5502, (2020)
Particulate methanesulfonic acid over the central Mediterranean Sea: Source region identification and relationship with phytoplankton activity, Mansour, K., Decesari S., Bellacicco M., Marullo S., Santoleri R., Bonasoni P., Facchini M.C., Ovadnevaite J., Ceburnis D., O'Dowd C., et al. , Atmospheric Research, Volume 237, (2020)
Phenotypic and functional characteristics of exosomes derived from irradiated mouse organs and their role in the mechanisms driving non-targeted effects, Cagatay, S.T., Mayah A., Mancuso Mariateresa, Giardullo Paola, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Saran Anna, Daniel A., Traynor D., Meade A.D., Lyng F., et al. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 21, Number 21, p.1-25, (2020)
Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Balanites aegyptiaca, Securidaca longepedunculata and Acacia gourmaensis Used against Seed-borne Fungi in Burkina Faso, Nitiema, Léon W., Sombié Pierre A. E. D., Koala M, and Del Fiore Antonella , Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, May-02-2020, p.79 - 87, (2020)
Plant Molecular Farming as a Strategy Against COVID-19 – The Italian Perspective, Lico, Chiara, Santi L., Baschieri Selene, Noris E., Marusic Carla, Donini Marcello, Pedrazzini E., Maga G., Franconi Rosella, Di Bonito P., et al. , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 11, (2020)