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Produzione scientifica

Found 7387 results
Characterization of Celiac Disease-Related Epitopes and Gluten Fractions, and Identification of Associated Loci in Durum Wheat, Taranto, F., D’Agostino N., Catellani Marcello, Laviano L., Ronga D., Milc J., Prandi B., Boukid F., Sforza S., Graziano S., et al. , Agronomy, Jan-09-2020, Volume 10, Issue 9, p.1231, (2020)
Characterization of snowfall estimated by in situ and ground-based remote-sensing observations at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica, Scarchilli, Claudio, Ciardini Virginia, Grigioni P., Iaccarino Antonio, De Silvestri Lorenzo, Proposito Marco, Dolci Stefano, Camporeale Giuseppe, Schioppo Riccardo, Antonelli Adriano, et al. , Journal of Glaciology, Jan-12-2020, Volume 66, Issue 260, Number 260, p.1006 - 1023, (2020)
Chemical contamination can promote turnover diversity of benthic prokaryotic assemblages: The case study of the Bagnoli-Coroglio bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea), Tangherlini, M, Corinaldesi C, Rastelli E, Musco L, Armiento Giovanna, Danovaro R, and Dell’Anno A , Marine Environmental Research, Volume 160, p.105040, (2020)
Circular economy good practices supporting waste prevention: The case of Emilia-Romagna Region, Cappellaro, Francesca, Fantin V., Barberio Grazia, and Cutaia Laura , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 19, Number 10, p.1701-1710, (2020)
Citrus as a multifunctional crop to promote new bio-products and valorize the supply chain, Sangiorgio, Paola, Verardi Alessandra, Spagnoletta Anna, Balducchi Roberto, Leone Gian Paolo, Pizzichini Daniele, Raimondo S., Conigliaro A., and Alessandro R. , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 19, Number 10, p.1869-1889, (2020)
Classifying aerosol particles through the combination of optical and physical-chemical properties: Results from a wintertime campaign in Rome (Italy), Valentini, S., Barnaba F., Bernardoni V., Calzolai G., Costabile F., Di Liberto L., Forello A.C., Gobbi G.P., Gualtieri Maurizio, Lucarelli F., et al. , Atmospheric Research, Volume 235, (2020)
Climate-driven vulnerability and risk perception: implications for climate change adaptation in rural Mexico, Michetti, Melania, and Ghinoi S. , Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, apr, Volume 10, Number 3, p.290-302, (2020)
The coffee agroecosystem: bio-economic analysis of coffee berry borer control (Hypothenemus hampei), Cure, J.R., Rodriguez D., Gutierrez A.P., and Ponti Luigi , Scientific Reports, Jan-12-2020, Volume 10, Issue 1, Number 1, (2020)
Color mutations alter the biochemical composition in the san marzano tomato fruit, Dono, G., Rambla J.L., Frusciante Sarah, Granell A., Diretto Gianfranco, and Mazzucato A. , Metabolites, Volume 10, Number 3, (2020)
Comment on “Classification of Lie point symmetries for quadratic Liénard type equation ẍ + f(x) ẋ2 + g(x) = 0” [J. Math. Phys. 54, 053506 (2013)], Iacono, Roberto , Journal of Mathematical Physics, Jan-04-2020, Volume 61, Issue 4, p.044101, (2020)
A comparison of quality of the fleece and follicular activity between sheared and non-sheared yearling alpacas (Vicugna pacos), Pallotti, S., Pacheco C., Valbonesi A., and Antonini Marco , Small Ruminant Research, Volume 192, (2020)
Complete genome analysis and time scale evolution of very virulent infectious bursal disease viruses isolated from recent outbreaks in Morocco, C. Touzani, Drissi, Fellahi S., O. Fihri Fassi, Gaboun F., Khayi S., Mentag R., Lico Chiara, Baschieri Selene, M. Houadfi El, and Ducatez M. , Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 77, (2020)
Composite electrolyte & electrode membranes for electrochemical energy storage & conversion devices, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista , Membranes, Volume 10, Number 11, p.1-4, (2020)
Composti naturali eco-compatibili per il controllo dei biodeteriogeni al Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano (Roma), Reale, R, Dell’Aglio E, De Santis A, Borghini S, Sprocati AR, and Alisi Chiara , Proceedings XI International Conference “Diagnosis for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage”, (2020)
Composto per il Trattamento di una Glicogenosi, Franconi, Rosella, Giuliano Giovanni, Marino Carmela, Demurtas Olivia Costantina, and Triggiani Doriana , Number 102020000003371, (2020)
Computational tests to improve the spatial resolution of the atmospheric transfermatrices in the integrated assessment model MINNI, Briganti, Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Piersanti Antonio, Ciancarella L., D'Isidoro Massimo, Adani Mario, Guarnieri G., Chinnici M., and D'Elia Ilaria , 20th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2020, (2020)
Conversion of biomass waste into biobased products and their contribution to make rural areas energy self-reliant, Sharma, V.K., Braccio G., Cornacchia G., Barisano D., Jena M.K., Joshi M., and Buddhi D. , European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Volume 7, Number 7, p.2239-2282, (2020)
Correction to: Bio-economics of Indian hybrid Bt cotton and farmer suicides (Environmental Sciences Europe, (2020), 32, 1, (139), 10.1186/s12302-020-00406-6), Gutierrez, A.P., Ponti Luigi, Kranthi K.R., Baumgärtner J., Kenmore P.E., Gilioli Gianni, Boggia A., Cure J.R., and Rodriguez D. , Environmental Sciences Europe, Volume 32, Number 1, (2020)
Correction to: Guest editorial: seismic microzonation of Central Italy following the 2016–2017 seismic sequence (Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, (2020), 18, 12, (5415-5422), 10.1007/s10518-020-00929-6), Hailemikael, S., Amoroso S., and Gaudiosi I. , Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 18, Number 12, p.5423, (2020)
Correction to: Thermal biology of Tuta absoluta: demographic parameters and facultative diapause (Journal of Pest Science, (2020), 10.1007/s10340-020-01286-8), de Campos, M.R., Béarez P., Amiens-Desneux E., Ponti Luigi, Gutierrez A.P., Biondi A., Adiga A., and Desneux N. , Journal of Pest Science, (2020)
Corrigendum to “Assessing the sustainability of urban eco-systems through Emergy-based circular economy indicators” [Ecol. Indic. (2020) 105859](S1470160X19308532)(10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105859), Santagata, R., Zucaro Amalia, Viglia Silvio, Ripa M., Tian X., and Ulgiati S. , Ecological Indicators, Volume 110, (2020)
Cost-benefit analysis to support decarbonization scenario for 2030: A case study in Italy, Sofia, D., Gioiella F., Lotrecchiano N., and Giuliano Antonio , Energy Policy, Volume 137, (2020)
A critical review of the current technologies in wastewater treatment plants by using hydrodynamic cavitation process: principles and applications, Mancuso, G., Langone Michela, and Andreottola G. , Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, Volume 18, Number 1, p.311-333, (2020)
A cross between bread wheat and a 2D(2R) disomic substitution triticale line leads to the formation of a novel disomic addition line and provides information of the role of rye secalins on breadmaking characteristics, Sestili, F., Margiotta B., Vaccino P., Moscaritolo S., Giorgi Debora, Lucretti Sergio, Palombieri S., Masci S., and Lafiandra D. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 21, Number 22, p.1-18, (2020)
CultCube: Experiments in autonomous in-orbit cultivation on-board a 12-Units CubeSat platform, Marzioli, P., Gugliermetti L., Santoni F., Delfini A., Piergentili F., Nardi Luca, Metelli G., Benvenuto Eugenio, Massa Silvia, and Bennici Elisabetta , Life Sciences in Space Research, Volume 25, p.42-52, (2020)