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Seasonal variations in the source of sea bottom organic matter off Catalonia coasts (western Mediterranean): links with hydrography and biological response,
, Journal of Oceanography, Volume 71, Number 4, p.325-343, (2015)
Seasonal variations of the relative optical air mass function for background aerosol and thin cirrus clouds at Arctic and Antarctic sites,
, Remote Sensing, Volume 7, Number 6, p.7157-7180, (2015)
Seismic analysis and retrofit of a mid-rise building,
, COMPDYN 2015 - 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, p.3909-3918, (2015)
Seismic input in the structural design: Considerations and application to the Italian territory,
, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Volume 5, Number 2, p.101-112, (2015)
The seismic microzonation of san gregorio through a multidisciplinary approach. Seismic amplification in a stiff site,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5: Urban Geology, Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation, p.1137-1141, (2015)
Seismic monitoring of the cathedral of Orvieto: Combining satellite InSAR with in-situ techniques,
, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, (2015)
The seismic site characterization of palazzo centi in l’aquila city centre: The case study of a historical building damaged by the april 6th 2009 earthquake,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5: Urban Geology, Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation, p.1091-1095, (2015)
Selective inclusion of chromophore molecules into poly(styrene-b-methylmethacrylate) block copolymer nanodomains: a study of morphological, optical and electrical properties,
, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Volume 73, Number 3, p.634-640, (2015)
Semantics-based services for a low carbon society: An application onemissions trading system data and scenarios management,
, Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 64, p.124-142, (2015)
Shaking table tests of an arch-pillars system and design of strengthening by the use of tie-rods,
, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 13, Number 1, p.279-297, (2015)
Shaking table tests on a full-scale joint cover for generation IV seismically isolated nuclear plant,
, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, (2015)
Short-term predictability of photovoltaic production over Italy,
, Renewable Energy, Volume 80, p.197-204, (2015)
Simple analytic approximations for the Blasius problem,
, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 310, p.72-78, (2015)
Simplification strategies for mechatronic products: A methodology proposal,
, Materiaux et Techniques, Volume 103, Number 1, (2015)
Site-specific proteolytic degradation of IgG monoclonal antibodies expressed in tobacco plants,
, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2015, Volume 13, p.235 - 245, (2015)
The "Smart Ring" Experience in l'Aquila (Italy): Integrating Smart Mobility Public Services with Air Quality Indexes,
, Proceedings of of the 2nd Int. Electron. Conf. Sens. Appl., Volume 2-November, Number November, %pages=21-24, (2015)
S-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase Plays Opposite Roles in SH-SY5Y Models of Parkinson's Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.,
, Mediators Inflamm, 2015, Volume 2015, p.536238, (2015)
Social life cycle assessment: Methodologies and practice,
, Sustainability Assessment of Renewables-Based Products: Methods and Case Studies, p.229-240, (2015)
Soil gas radon assessment and development of a radon risk map in Bolsena, Central Italy,
, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Volume 37, Number 2, p.305-319, (2015)
Soil water content and triggering of debris flows in the Messina area (Italy): Preliminary remarks,
, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2: Landslide Processes, p.2113-2117, (2015)
Spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations: A grid model based approach,
, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 6, Number 6, p.953-960, (2015)
Spectral attenuation of global and diffuse UV irradiance and actinic flux by clouds,
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 141, Number 686, p.109-113, (2015)
The spectral imaging facility: Setup characterization,
, Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 86, Number 9, (2015)
Stability and seismic analyses of leaning towers: The case of the minaret in Jam,
, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Volume 24, Number 1, p.40-58, (2015)
Status of the European Atlas of Natural Radiation,
, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 167, Number 1-3, p.29-36, (2015)