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Intercomparison of indoor and outdoor pollen concentrations in rural and suburban research workplaces

TitoloIntercomparison of indoor and outdoor pollen concentrations in rural and suburban research workplaces
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2021
AutoriPelliccioni, A., Ciardini Virginia, Lancia A., Di Renzi S., Brighetti M.A., Travaglini A., Capone P., and D’ovidio M.C.
RivistaSustainability (Switzerland)

Pollen exposure in occupational settings involves different categories of workers. In this paper the effects of diurnal pollen variations have been evaluated in two sites characterized by different vegetation and urbanization: the suburban site of Tor Vergata (TV) and the rural site of Monte Porzio Catone (MPC). Aerobiological and meteorological monitoring was performed in the two sites during the winter of 2017. The data analysis focuses on the comparison between pollen concentrations observed in relation to meteorological variables. In general, it can be stated that the indoor and outdoor dynamics for MPC and TV are different, with the outdoor concentration of pollen for MPC always higher than for TV, in accordance with significant presence of vegetation. The high nocturnal peaks detected in MPC and completely absent in TV could be caused by the presence of particular conditions of stagnation combined with greater emissions from the pollen sources. Fur-thermore the higher I/O ratio observed during the working hours in TV compared to MPC could be ascribed to the workers’ behavior. Exposure to pollen can be responsible for several health effects and the knowledge of its level can be useful to improve the evaluation and management of this biological risk. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Citation KeyPelliccioni2021