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Synthesis and electrical characterization of Graphene Nanoplatelets

TitoloSynthesis and electrical characterization of Graphene Nanoplatelets
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2015
AutoriMaffucci, A., Micciulla F., Cataldo Antonino, Miano G., and Bellucci S.
Conference NameProceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015
Parole chiaveCopper, Electric resistance, Electrical characterization, Electrical resistances, Fabrication, Fabrication process, Few-layer graphene, Graphene, Graphene nanoplatelets, Microstripes, Microwave theory and techniques, Radiation effects, Solvent-free procedures

This paper proposes a realization of an easy to manufacture graphene device with a low-cost and solvent-free procedure. It is obtained by depositing few layer graphene in a gap between to electrodes in a microstrip-like circuit. The device is characterized in DC at room temperature, and the results show a satisfactory stability of its electrical resistance, thus demonstrating the reliability of the fabrication process and the reproducibility of the proposed device. © 2015 IEEE.

Citation KeyMaffucci2015301