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Characterization of historical masonry mortar from sites damaged during the central Italy 2016-2017 seismic sequence: The case study of arquata del Tronto

TitoloCharacterization of historical masonry mortar from sites damaged during the central Italy 2016-2017 seismic sequence: The case study of arquata del Tronto
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2019
AutoriMirabile Gattia, Daniele, Roselli G., AlShawa O., Cinaglia P., Di Girolami G., Francola C., Persia F., Petrucci E., Piloni R., Scognamiglio F., Sorrentino L., Zamponi S., and Liberatore D.
RivistaAnnals of Geophysics
Parole chiavecompression, earthquake event, FTIR spectroscopy, historic building, Italy, Marche, Masonry, Mortar, performance assessment, Seismic response, Structural analysis, Structural response

Mortar quality is a fundamental parameter to take into account when studying the structural behavior of masonry, especially under seis− mic actions. Separation between the leaves of rubble masonry can occur, inducing the partial or total collapse of the construction. A good quality mortar is essential to delay/prevent the separation of leaves, but often, especially in ancient building with a cultural value, mor− tars have low binder capabilities. The paper presents an experimental investigation on mortar specimens taken from buildings of a little municipality in Marche region, Arquata del Tronto, heavily damaged by recent earthquakes in Central Italy (2016−2017). Both diagnostic techniques as X−Ray diffrac− tion, Fourier−Transform infrared spectroscopy and calcimetry, and mechanical test as compression tests were carried out in order to cor− relate the obtained values with the performance of the original masonry. © 2019 the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. All rights reserved.


cited By 2

Citation KeyMirabileGattia2019