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Malignant pleural cancers mortality and compensated cases for asbestos related diseases in Lazio municipali ties (1980-2001) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di malattie asbesto correlate nei comuni del Lazio (1980-2001)]

TitoloMalignant pleural cancers mortality and compensated cases for asbestos related diseases in Lazio municipali ties (1980-2001) [Mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e casi indennizzati di malattie asbesto correlate nei comuni del Lazio (1980-2001)]
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2007
AutoriScarselli, A., Binazzi A., Altavista P., Mastrantonio Marina, Uccelli Raffaella, and Marinaccio A.
RivistaMedicina del Lavoro
Parole chiavearticle, asbestosis, cluster analysis, Female, human, Humans, insurance, Italy, male, Mortality, pleura tumor, Pleural Neoplasms, statistics

Background: Occupational exposure to asbestos has been widely reported in the Region, but a high risk for non-occupational and environmental contaminations have also been documented. Objectives: To describe the geographical distribution of pleural cancer deaths and compensated asbestosis cases from 1980 to 2001 in the Lazio Region. Methods: For each municipality Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) for pleural cancer and Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIRs) for asbestosis were estimated. Expected cases were estimated from age and gender specific rates in Lazio. SatScan software was used to identify clusters and to verify their statistical significance. Results: 789 deaths from pleural cancer (495 males and 294 females) occurred in Lazio from 1980 to 2001. The standardized mortality rate per 100.000 inhabitants is 0,74 (0,95 for males and 0,54 for females). The main excess mortality from pleural cancer occurred in the municipalities of Civitavecchia (SMR: 269,9; 95% CI: 164,9 - 416,8), Colleferro (SMR: 304,9; 95% CI: 139,4-578,8) and Rocca Priora (SMR: 379,2; 95% CI: 103,3-970,9). Significant SIRs for compensated asbestosis cases were found in the industrial areas of the NaplesRome highway and in the shipyard area of Civitavecchia. No female compensated cases were found. The most important clusters were identified in the municipality of Civitavecchia for pleural cancer (p-value = 0,117) and in the Colleferro industrial area for compensated asbestosis cases (p-value = 0,001). Conclusions: Epidemiological surveillance of incident cases of malignant mesothelioma in the Lazio Region and the investigation of modalities of asbestos exposure are urgently needed for prevention of occupational diseases.


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Citation KeyScarselli200730