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14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors-phase 1: Calibration and characterization of the neutron source, Litaudon, X., Abduallev S., Abhangi M., Abreu P., Afzal M., Aggarwal K.M., Ahlgren T., Ahn J.H., Aho-Mantila L., Aiba N., et al. , Nuclear Fusion, Volume 58, Number 2, (2018)
14 MeV neutrons for99Mo/99mTc production: Experiments, simulations and perspectives, Capogni, M., Pietropaolo A., Quintieri L., Angelone Massimo, Boschi A., Capone M., Cherubini N., De Felice P., Dodaro A., Duatti A., et al. , Molecules, Volume 23, Number 8, (2018)
2D/3D switchable displays through PDLC reverse mode parallax barrier, Chidichimo, G., Beneduci A., Maltese V., Cospito S., Tursi A., Tassini Paolo, and Pandolfi G. , Liquid Crystals, Volume 45, Number 13-15, p.2132-2138, (2018)
50-Hz magnetic field impairs the expression of iron-related genes in the in vitro SOD1G93A model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Consales, Claudia, Panatta M., Butera Alessio, Filomeni G., Merla Caterina, Carrì M.T., Marino Carmela, and Benassi Barbara , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Jan-03-2019, Volume 95, Issue 3, Number 3, p.368-377, (2018)
Advances in biopolymer-based membrane preparation and applications, Galiano, F., Briceño K., Marino T., Molino Antonio, Christensen K.V., and Figoli A. , Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 564, p.562-586, (2018)
Affecting brand loyalty intention: The effects of UGC and shopping searches via Facebook [影响品牌忠诚度的因素:论用户生成内容和脸书购物搜索的影响], Mazzucchelli, A., Chierici R., Ceruti Francesca, Chiacchierini C., Godey B., and Pederzoli D. , Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Volume 9, Number 3, p.270-286, (2018)
Agrobacterium-mediated and electroporation-mediated transformation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: A comparative study, Mini, P., Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Valentini S., Pallara Patrizia, Aprea Giuseppe, Ferrante Paola, and Giuliano Giovanni , BMC Biotechnology, Volume 18, Number 1, p.1–12, (2018)
Air quality modeling and inhalation health risk assessment for a new generation coal-fired power plant in Central Italy, Piersanti, Antonio, Adani Mario, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Ciancarella Luisella, Cremona Giuseppe, D'Isidoro Massimo, Lombardi Carmine, Pacchierotti Francesca, Russo Felicita, et al. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 644, p.884-898, (2018)
Air quality modeling for health risk assessment of ambient PM10, PM2.5 and SO2 in Iran, Y. Khaniabadi, Omidi, Sicard P., A. Khaniabadi Omidi, Mohammadinejad S., Keishams F., Takdastan A., Najafi A., De Marco Alessandra, and Daryanoosh M. , Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Volume 25, Number 5, p.1298-1310, (2018)
An algorithm for classifying unknown expendable bathythermograph (XBT) instruments based on existing metadata, Palmer, M.D., Boyer T., Cowley R., Kizu S., Reseghetti Franco, Suzuki T., and Thresher A. , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 35, Number 3, p.429-440, (2018)
Alterations in morphology and adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of patched1 heterozygous mice, Antonelli, Francesca, Casciati Arianna, Tanori Mirella, Tanno Barbara, Linares-Vidal M.V., Serra N., Bellés M., Pannicelli A., Saran Anna, and Pazzaglia Simonetta , Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Volume 11, (2018)
Aluminum-doped zinc oxide coatings on polylactic acid films for antimicrobial food packaging, Valerini, D., Tammaro Loredana, Di Benedetto Francesca, Vigliotta G., Capodieci Laura, Terzi R., and Rizzo Antonella , Thin Solid Films, Volume 645, p.187-192, (2018)
Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Manure Influenced by Swirling Jet Induced Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Langone, Michela, Soldano M., Fabbri C., Pirozzi F., and Andreottola G. , Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 184, Number 4, p.1200-1218, (2018)
Analisi dei flussi e studio dei mercati reali e finanziari delle materie prime presenti negli autoveicoli elettrici e nelle colonnine di ricarica 2018, Cutaia, Laura, La Monica Marco, Scagliarino C, Massacci G, and Nania F , Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico, Number RdS/PAR2017/254, (2018)
Analisi di campioni di terreno provenienti da scavi archeologici nell'area sacra di Torre Argentina a Roma, Gessi, Alessandro, Carpani Bruno, and Bruni Stefania , (2018)
Analysis and design of DD coupler for dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles, Dashora, H.K., Buja G., Bertoluzzo M., Pinto Rosanna, and Lopresto V. , Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 32, Number 2, p.170-189, (2018)
Analysis of grape production in the face of climate change, Ponti, Luigi, Gutierrez A.P., Boggia A., and Neteler M. , Climate, Volume 6, Number 2, (2018)
Analysis of Polycaprolactone Microfibers as Biofilm Carriers for Biotechnologically Relevant Bacteria, Tamayo-Ramos, J.A., Rumbo C., Caso M.F., Rinaldi Antonio, Garroni S., Notargiacomo A., Romero-Santacreu L., and Cuesta-López S. , ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2018)
Analysis of Radiation-Induced Chromosomal Aberrations on a Cell-by-Cell Basis after Alpha-Particle Microbeam Irradiation: Experimental Data and Simulations, Testa, Antonella, Ballarini F., Giesen U., Gil O.M., Carante M.P., Tello J., Langner F., Rabus H., Palma Valentina, Pinto M., et al. , Radiation Research, Volume 189, Number 6, p.597-604, (2018)
Analysis of the Mediterranean fruit fly [Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)] spatiotemporal distribution in relation to sex and female mating status for precision IPM, Sciarretta, A., Tabilio M.R., Lampazzi Elena, Ceccaroli C., Colacci M., and Trematerra P. , PLoS ONE, Volume 13, Number 4, (2018)
Antimicrobial activity of catechol functionalized-chitosan versus Staphylococcus epidermidis, Amato, A., Migneco L.M., Martinelli A., Pietrelli L., Piozzi A., and Francolini I. , Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 179, p.273-281, (2018)
Apparato per il filtraggio di un fluido comprendente uno scambiatore di pressione a valvola rotante, Corallo, Giuseppe, and Franchi Aldo , Number 102018000005264, (2018)