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DNA integrity in human sperm, Anderson, D., Dobrzyńska M.M., Yu T.-W., Gandini L., Cordelli Eugenia, and Spanò M. , Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis, Volume 17, Number 3, p.97-102, (1997)
Effect of genotype, explant size and medium composition on somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.), Thinh, N.T., Santangelo E., and Sonnino Andrea , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1997///, Volume 51, p.63 - 67, (1997)
Effects of Dichlobenil on Ultrastructural Morphology and Cell Replication in the Mouse Olfactory Mucosa, Mancuso, Mariateresa, Giovanetti Anna, and Brittebo E.B. , Toxicologic Pathology, Volume 25, Number 2, p.186-194, (1997)
Electron spin resonance study of white marbles from Tharros (Sardinia): a reappraisal of the technique, possibilities and limitations, Armiento, Giovanna, Attanasio D, and Platania R , Archaeometry, Volume 39, Number 2, p.309–319, (1997)
Evaluation of benzene elimination kinetics by quantitative analysis of air exhaled in breathing, Lombardi, C.C., Antonini Alessandro, and Arcuri M. , Pharmacological Research, 1997///, Volume 35, p.217, (1997)
The expression of CD4 and CD8 molecules conditions the behavior of Vβ+ murine thymocytes upon superantigenic challenge, Fattorossi, A., Baschieri Selene, Ferlini C., and Doria G. , Thymus, Volume 24, Number 3, p.133-145, (1997)
The expression of CD4 and CD8 molecules conditions the behavior of V beta + murine thymocytes upon superantigenic challenge., Fattorossi, A., Baschieri Selene, Ferlini C, and Doria G. , Thymus, 1997, Volume 24, p.133-45, (1997)
Expression of the RET receptor tyrosine kinase and GDNFR-alpha in normal and leukemic human hematopoietic cells and stromal cells of the bone marrow microenvironment., Gattei, V, Celetti A, Cerrato A, Degan M, De Iuliis A, Rossi F M., Chiappetta G, Consales Claudia, Improta S, Zagonel V, et al. , Blood, 1997 Apr 15, Volume 89, Issue 8, p.2925-37, (1997)
Factors controlling trophic conditions in the North-West Adriatic basin: Seasonal variability, Giordani, P., Miserocchi S., Balboni V., Malaguti Antonella, Lorenzelli R., Honsell G., and Poniz P. , Marine Chemistry, Volume 58, Number 3-4, p.351-360, (1997)
First report on the Mt. breccioso glacial apparatus (Val Roveto, Abruzzo): A contribution for the chronology of the late pleistocene glacial phases [Prima segnalazione dell'apparato glaciale di M. Breccioso (val roveto-abruzzo): Un contributo all'inquadra, Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 10, Number 2, p.201-205, (1997)
Flow cytometric and immunohistochemical correlations in high incidence human solid tumors, Danesi, D.T., Spanò M., Antonini F., Altavista P., Catalano P., Cordelli Eugenia, Pasqualetti P., Santacroce C., Toscano M.G., Mecozzi A., et al. , Tumori, Volume 83, Number 3, p.689-697, (1997)
Flow cytometric approach to study genome size variation in eurasiatic green toads of the Bufo viridis complex., De Vita, R, Cavallo D, Eleuteri Patrizia, Odierna G, and Balletto E , Eur J Histochem, 1997, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.175-6, (1997)
Fluorescence study on whole Antarctic fungal spores under enhanced UV irradiation, Arcangeli, Caterina, Zucconi L., Onofri S., and Cannistraro S. , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Volume 39, Number 3, p.258-264, (1997)
Forty years of potato research: Highlights, achievements and prospects, Struik, P.C., Askew M.F., Sonnino Andrea, Mackerron D.K.L., Bång U., Ritter E., Statham O.J.H., Kirkman M.A., and Umaerus V. , Potato Research, 1997///, Volume 40, p.5 - 18, (1997)
GC-ECD determination of methylmercury in sediment samples using a SPB-608 capillary column after alkaline digestion, Caricchia, A.M., Minervini G., Soldati P., Chiavarini Salvatore, Ubaldi Carla, and Morabito Roberto , Microchemical Journal, Volume 55, Number 1, p.44-55, (1997)
The genetic improvement of the Mediterranean Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) I. Identification and characterization of parental lines, Bozzini, Alessandro, and Chiaretti Domenico , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1997///, Volume 51, p.149 - 160, (1997)
Genetic structure of populations of two species of Chthamalus (Crustacea: Cirripedia) in the north-east Atlantic and Mediterranean, Pannacciulli, Federica, Bishop J.D.D., and Hawkins S.J. , Marine Biology, Volume 128, Number 1, p.73-82, (1997)
Geochemical characterization of ophiolitic soils in a temperate climate: A multivariate statistical approach, Vaselli, O., Buccianti A., De Siena C., Bini C., Coradossi N., and Angelone Massimo , Geoderma, Volume 75, Number 1-2, p.117-133, (1997)
Geological investigations of Italian earthquakes: New paleoseismological data from the Fucino Plain (Central Italy), Galadini, F., Galli P., and Giraudi C. , Journal of Geodynamics, Volume 24, Number 1-4, p.87-103, (1997)
Glancing-incidence X-ray characterization of Nb/Pd multilayers, Tagliente, M.A., Del Vecchio A., Tapfer Leander, Coccorese C., Mercaldo L., Maritato L., Slaughter J.M., and Falco C.M. , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D - Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Biophysics, Volume 19, Number 2-4, p.473-480, (1997)
Glutathione depletion enhances germ cell toxicity of butadiene metabolites: a flow cytometric study., Cordelli, Eugenia, Leter Giorgio, Pacchierotti Francesca, Tiveron C., and Spanò M. , European journal of histochemistry : EJH, Volume 41 Suppl 2, p.173-174, (1997)
High expression of truncated viral rep protein confers resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus in transgenic tomato plants, Brunetti, A., Tavazza Mario, Noris Emanuela, Tavazza Raffaela, Caciagli P., Ancora Giorgio, Crespi S., and Accotto Gian Paolo , Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 1997///, Volume 10, p.571 - 579, (1997)
High-performance electrolyte membranes for plastic lithium batteries, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., and Scrosati B. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 66, Number 1-2, p.77-82, (1997)
Hydrogen in the martensitic Din 1.4914: A review, Perujo, A., Serra Emanuele, Alberici S., Tominetti S., and Camposilvan J. , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 253-254, p.152-155, (1997)