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Dati biometrici della popolazione di cinghiale (Sus scrofa L.) di Castelporziano, Tinelli, A., Pietrelli L., and Focardi S. , Proc. Socitá Italiana Scienze Naturali Museo Civico Storia Naturale, Volume 2, p.171-177, (1999)
Dating and correlation of glacial deposits using tephra layers and loess: The example of M. Matese (Campania-Molise, Southern Italy) [Datazione diretta e correlazione di depositi glaciali con l'uso di tephra e loess: Il caso del Matese (Campania-Molise)], Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 12, Number 1, p.11-15, (1999)
Daytime Raman LIDAR for vertical profiling of water vapour and Ozone, de Tomasi, F., Torsello G., Diso D., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Perrone M.R. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3867, Florence, Italy, p.228-233, (1999)
Dependence of the HfO2 thin film structure on the momentum transfer in ion beam assisted deposition, Scaglione, S., Sarto F., Rizzo Antonella, and Alvisi Marco , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3578, Boulder, CO, USA, p.154-161, (1999)
Deposition of SiO2 films with high laser damage thresholds by ion-assisted electron-beam evaporation, Alvisi, Marco, De Nunzio G., Di Giulio M., Ferrara Maria Cristina, Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Vasanelli L. , Applied Optics, Volume 38, Number 7, p.1237-1243, (1999)
Determination of total selenium in mussel and wheat samples after tetramethylammonium hydroxide digestion, Brunori, Claudia, De La Calle M.B., Angelone Massimo, and Morabito Roberto , Annali di Chimica, Volume 89, Number 11-12, p.873-880, (1999)
Digestion methods for analysis of fly ash samples by atomic absorption spectrometry, Mester, Z., Angelone Massimo, Brunori Claudia, Cremisini C., Muntau H., and Morabito Roberto , Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 395, Number 1-2, p.157-163, (1999)
Dual ion beam sputtering coating of plastic substrates: Improvement of film/substrate adhesion by minimizing the total stress at the interface, Sarto, F., Alvisi Marco, Caneve L., AbuHassan L.H., and Scaglione S. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3738, Berlin, Ger, p.66-75, (1999)
Effect of plastic deformation on the kinetics of the solid state reaction between Cu and Zn, Angiolini, M., Mazzone G., Montone Amelia, and Vittori-Antisari M. , Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 59, Number 18, p.11733-11738, (1999)
Effects of a neem compound on the fecundity and longevity of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), Di Ilio, V., Cristofaro M., Marchini D., Nobili Paola, and Dallai R. , Journal of Economic Entomology, 1999///, Volume 92, p.76 - 82, (1999)
Effects of ELF Exposure on Murine Immune System, Frasca, Daniela, Barattini Paola, De Grandis Daniele, Galloni P, Goso Cristina, and Marino Carmela , Boston, MA, p.649 - 652, (1999)
Effects of ELF Magnetic Fields on Cellular Proliferation in in Vivo System, Marino, Carmela, Galloni Lucia, and Galloni P , Boston, MA, p.679 - 682, (1999)
Effects of land-cover change on soil loss in the Sao Gabriel do Oeste area (Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), Disperati, Leonardo, Righini Gaia, Salvini Riccardo, Ciali Alessandro, Coscini Nicola, Fantozzi Pier Lorenzo, Carmignani Luigi, Fiori Alberto P., Filho Antonio C. Paranho, and Bocci Michele , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3868, Florence, Italy, p.207-218, (1999)
Effects of thermal treatments on structural and magnetic properties of acicular α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles, Suber, L., Fiorani D., Imperatori P., Foglia S., Montone Amelia, and Zysler R. , Nanostructured Materials, Volume 11, Number 6, Bologna, Italy, p.797-803, (1999)
Electrochemical characterization of a composite polymer electrolyte with improved lithium metal electrode interfacial properties, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Ronci F., Scrosati B., Alessandrini F., Carewska M., and Prosini P.P. , Ionics, Volume 5, Number 1-2, p.59-63, (1999)
Electrochemical characterization of optically passive CeVO4 counterelectrodes, Picardi, G., Varsano F., Decker F., Opara-Krasovec U., Surca A., and Orel B. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 44, Number 18, p.3157-3164, (1999)
The ENEA station for climate observations at Lampedusa, Chamard, P., Ciattaglia L., Di Sarra Alcide, Grigioni P., Monteleone Francesco, and Sarao R. , ENEA Technical Report, (1999)
Erratum: A single-chain antibody fragment is functionally expressed in the cytoplasm of both Escherichia coli and transgenic plants (European Journal of Biochemistry (1999) 262 (617-624)), Tavlardoraki, P., Girotti A., Donini Marcello, Arias F.J., Mancini C., Morea V., Chiaraluce R., Consalvi V., and Benvenuto Eugenio , European Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 263, Number 2, p.603, (1999)
European Marine Information Sistem: EUMARIS prototype, Caiaffa, E., Creo Carla, De Cassan Maurizio, Peronaci M., and Cryan S. , Inter-Regional Forum of European Conventions, Venezia, (1999)
Experimental evaluation of a simulation model for the trophic interaction between Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera Aleyrodidae) and Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera Aphelinidae), Calvitti, Maurizio, Gilioli Gianni, and Di Cola Giulio , REDIA, giornale di Zoologia, Volume 82, p.121-135, (1999)
Expression of B-myb in neuroblastoma tumors is a poor prognostic factor independent from MYCN amplification, Raschellà, G., Cesi Vincenzo, Amendola R., Negroni Anna, Tanno Barbara, Altavista P., Tonini G.P., De Bernardi B., and Calabretta B. , Cancer Research, Volume 59, Number 14, p.3365-3368, (1999)
The FDTD/Kirchhoff Hybrid Technique to Model Electromagnetic Fields in Large Domains, D'Atanasio, Paolo, Di Palma E., and Palazzari P. , Proceedings of 11th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition Simulation in Industry, Erlangen, Germany, (1999)
Flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay as an independent descriptor of human semen quality, Spanò, M., Kolstad H., Larsen S.B., Cordelli Eugenia, Leter Giorgio, Giwercman A., and Bonde J.P.E. , Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Volume 25, Number SUPPL. 1, p.28-30, (1999)
Forced adhesive growth of K562 leukemic cells that normally grow in suspension induces variations in membrane lipids and energy metabolism: A proton NMR study, Lamanna, Raffaele, Motta A., Romano R., Rainaldi G., Flamma F., Pentimalli Marzia, Tancredi T., Indovina P.L., and Santini M.T. , Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Volume 46, Number 2, p.171-178, (1999)
Functional expression in bacteria and plants of an scFv antibody fragment against tospoviruses, Franconi, Rosella, Roggero P., Pirazzi P., Arias F.J., Desiderio Angiola, Bitti O., Pashkoulov D., Mattei B., Bracci L., Masenga V., et al. , Immunotechnology, 1999, Volume 4, p.189 - 201, (1999)