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Experimental study for non-destructive mechanical evaluation of ancient chestnut timber, Faggiano, B., Grippa M.R., Marzo Anna, and Mazzolani F.M. , Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 1, Number 3-4, p.103-112, (2011)
Experimental tests and seismic performance of a concrete bridge, Impollonia, N., Saitta Fernando, Clemente Paolo, and Zito S. , SHMII-5 2011 - 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Cancun, Quintana Roo, (2011)
Experimental tests of reinforced concrete buildings and ENEA DySCo Virtual Laboratory, Mongelli, M., De Canio Gerardo, Roselli Ivan, Baldini Massimiliano, Colucci A., Di Biagio F., Picca Alessandro, Tatì Angelo, Cancelliere N., Coniglio L., et al. , SHMII-5 2011 - 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, (2011)
Exploitation of a non-native Wolbachia strain in Aedes albopictus: potential benefits on a suppression strategy for this mosquito vector in Italy., Calvitti, Maurizio , Invited speaker to the 43rd Annual Conference of The Society of Vector Ecology- Flagstaff (AZ) USA, 25-29 Sept 2011, 09/2011, (2011)
Exploring the genetic diversity of the DRF1 gene in durum wheat and its wild relatives, Di Bianco, Domenico, Thiyagarajan Karthikeyan, Latini Arianna, Cantale Cristina, Felici Fabio, and Galeffi Patrizia , Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation, 2011///, p.1 - 4, (2011)
Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation, Stenni, B., Buiron D., Frezzotti M., Albani S., Barbante C., Bard E., Barnola J.M., Baroni M., Baumgartner M., Bonazza M., et al. , Nature Geoscience, Volume 4, Number 1, p.46-49, (2011)
Features, recent application and conditions for the correct use of seismic isolation systems, Martelli, A., Forni Massimo, and Panza G. , WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Volume 120, p.15-27, (2011)
Fecal HMGB1 is a novel marker of intestinal mucosal inflammation in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, Vitali, Roberta, Stronati L., Negroni Anna, Di Nardo G., Pierdomenico Maria, Del Giudice E., Rossi P., and Cucchiara S. , American Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 106, Number 11, p.2029-2040, (2011)
First national intercomparison of solar ultraviolet radiometers in Italy, Diémoz, H., Siani A.M., Casale G.R., Di Sarra Alcide, Serpillo B., Petkov B., Scaglione S., Bonino A., Facta S., Fedele F., et al. , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Volume 4, Number 8, p.1689-1703, (2011)
First Survey of the Wheat Chromosome 5A Composition through a Next Generation Sequencing Approach., Vitulo, Nicola, Albiero Alessandro, Forcato Claudio, Campagna Davide, Dal Pero Francesca, Bagnaresi Paolo, Colaiacovo Moreno, Faccioli Primetta, Lamontanara Antonella, Simková Hana, et al. , Plos ONE, 10/2011, Volume 6, p.e26421, (2011)
First survey of the wheat chromosome 5A composition through a next generation sequencing approach, Vitulo, N., Albiero A., Forcato C., Campagna D., Dal Pero F., Bagnaresi P., Colaiacovo M., Faccioli P., Lamontanara A., Šimková H., et al. , PLoS ONE, Volume 6, Number 10, (2011)
Floral scent evaluation in alstroemeria through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and semiquantitative RT-PCR, Aros, D.F., Rogers H.J., and Rosati C. , Acta Horticulturae, Volume 886, p.19-26, (2011)
Food partitioning and diet temporal variation in two coexisting sparids, Pagellus erythrinus and Pagellus acarne, Fanelli, E., Badalamenti F., D'Anna G., Pipitone C., Riginella E., and Azzurro E. , Journal of Fish Biology, Volume 78, Number 3, p.869-900, (2011)
Food web structure of deep-sea macrozooplankton and micronekton off the Catalan slope: Insight from stable isotopes, Fanelli, E., Cartes J.E., and Papiol V. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 87, Number 1, p.79-89, (2011)
Food web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the Catalan slope (NW Mediterranean): Evidence from δ13C and δ15N analysis, Fanelli, E., Papiol V., Cartes J.E., Rumolo P., Brunet C., and Sprovieri M. , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 58, Number 1, p.98-109, (2011)
Foraging activity of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.) on Bt-expressing eggplants, Arpaia, S., De Cristofaro A., Guerrieri E., Bossi S., Cellini F., Leo G.M.D., Germinara G.S., Iodice L., Maffei M.E., Petrozza A., et al. , Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Volume 5, Number 3, p.255-261, (2011)
Formation of hollow structures through diffusive phase transition across a membrane, Pasquini, L., Montone Amelia, Callini E., Antisari M.V., and Bonetti E. , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 99, Number 2, (2011)
Freshwater amphipods from Madagascar with description of a new familiy, three new genera and six new species (Crustacea, Amphipoda)., Iannilli, Valentina, Krapp Traudl, and Ruffo Sandro , BOLLETTINO DEL MUSEO CIVICO DI STORIA NATURALE DI VERONA, BOTANICA ZOOLOGIA, Volume 35, p.93-137, (2011)
Functional diversity inside the Arabidopsis polyamine oxidase gene family., Fincato, Paola, Moschou Panagiotis N., Spedaletti Valentina, Tavazza Raffaela, Angelini Riccardo, Federico Rodolfo, Roubelakis-Angelakis Kalliopi A., and Tavladoraki Paraskevi , Journal of experimental botany, 2011 Jan, Volume 62, p.1155-68, (2011)
Functional recovery in an urban industrial area - methods and tools to integrate efficiency and sustainability in the pre-design phase, P. Maestosi, Clerici, Farina R., Stante Loredana, Valpreda E., Parenti A., and Stojkov I. , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 155, p.169-180, (2011)
Gas exchange and JIP-test parameters of two Mediterranean maquis species are affected by sea spray and ozone interaction, Mereu, S., Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Fusaro L., Salvatori Elisabetta, Finco A., Spanò D., and Manes F. , Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 73, Number 1, p.80-88, (2011)
Gas microsensors with metalloporphyrin-functionalized carbon nanotube networked layers, Penza, Michele, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Valerini D., Cassano Gennaro, Serra Emanuele, Paolesse R., Martinelli E., Di Natale C., and D'Amico A. , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 91 LNEE, Messina, p.105-111, (2011)
A gas sensor array for environmental air monitoring: A study case of application of artificial neural networks, Penza, Michele, Suriano Domenico, Cassano Gennaro, Rossi R., Alvisi Marco, Pfister Valerio, Trizio L., Brattoli M., and De Gennaro G. , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1362, New York City, NY, p.205-206, (2011)
Genetic relationships among Italian and Mexican maize-rhizosphere Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) populations belonging to Burkholderia cenocepacia IIIB and BCC6 group, Bevivino, Annamaria, Costa Barbara, Cantale Cristina, Cesarini Silvia, Chiarini L., Tabacchioni Silvia, Caballero-Mellado Jesus, and Dalmastri Claudia , BMC Microbiology, 10/2011, Volume 11, Number 1, p.228, (2011)
Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato., Xu, Xun, Pan Shengkai, Cheng Shifeng, Zhang Bo, Mu Desheng, Ni Peixiang, Zhang Gengyun, Yang Shuang, Li Ruiqiang, Wang Jun, et al. , Nature, 2011, Volume 475, Number 7355, p.189-195, (2011)