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Formation of hollow structures through diffusive phase transition across a membrane

TitoloFormation of hollow structures through diffusive phase transition across a membrane
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2011
AutoriPasquini, L., Montone Amelia, Callini E., Antisari M.V., and Bonetti E.
RivistaApplied Physics Letters
Parole chiaveControlled porosity, Core material, Core/shell nanoparticles, Coremaking, General approach, High temperature, Hollow shells, Hollow structure, Phase transitions

We report on the formation of hollow structures driven by a phase transition that proceeds via diffusion through a membrane. The mechanism is demonstrated for Mg/MgO core/shell nanoparticles: When they undergo successive metal-hydride transitions at sufficiently high temperature, the core material progressively diffuses outward and evaporates, leaving a hollow shell with the original shape and thickness. This phenomenon might become a general approach to the design of materials with controlled porosity. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


cited By 9

Citation KeyPasquini2011