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MIR320 family regulates NOD2/CARD15: A new mechanism for controlling inflammation?, Stronati, Laura, Pierdomenico Maria, Cesi Vincenzo, Costanzo Manuela, Aloi Marina, Oliva Salvatore, Civitelli Fortunata, and Cucchiara Salvatore , Digestive and Liver Disease, Volume 46, p.e82, (2014)
Mirrors array for a solar furnace: Optical analysis and simulation results, Jafrancesco, D., Sansoni P., Francini F., Contento Gaetano, Cancro C., Privato C., Graditi G., Ferruzzi D., Mercatelli L., Sani E., et al. , Renewable Energy, Volume 63, p.263-271, (2014)
Mixed organic compound-ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium battery electrolyte systems, Montanino, M., Moreno M., Carewska M., Maresca G., Simonetti E., R. Presti Lo, Alessandrini F., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 269, p.608-615, (2014)
Mo1711 MiR320 Family Regulates NOD2/CARD15: A New Mechanism for Controlling Inflammation?, Pierdomenico, Maria, Cesi Vincenzo, Stronati Laura, Costanzo Manuela, Aloi Marina, Oliva Salvatore, Rossi Paolo, Viola Franca, and Cucchiara Salvatore , Gastroenterology, Volume 5, Number 146, p.S–641, (2014)
Modeling and numerical simulation of the forces acting on a sphere during early-water entry, Abraham, J., Gorman J., Reseghetti Franco, Sparrow E., Stark J., and Shepard T. , Ocean Engineering, Volume 76, p.1-9, (2014)
Modelling dispersion of smoke from wildfires in a Mediterranean area, Cesari, R., D'Isidoro Massimo, Maurizi A., Mircea Mihaela, Monti F., Pizzigalli C., and Tampieri F. , International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.219-229, (2014)
Modelling heavy metals concentrations over Italy: ComParison with observations and some sensitivity tests, Adani, Mario, Mircea Mihaela, Silibello C., D'Isidoro Massimo, Ciancarella Luisella, Vitali Lina, Piersanti Antonio, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Righini Gaia, et al. , HARMO 2014 - 16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, p.148-152, (2014)
Modelling interdependent urban networks in planning and operation scenarios, Alonge, G., Ciancamerla E., Fallone M., Mastrilli A., Minichino M., Ranno M., Reali M., and Regina P. , 4th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2014, p.33-42, (2014)
Monitoring and evaluating the sustainability of Italian agricultural system. An emergy decomposition analysis, Ghisellini, P., Zucaro Amalia, Viglia Silvio, and Ulgiati S. , Ecological Modelling, Volume 271, p.132-148, (2014)
Morphological and spectroscopic characterizations of inkjet-printed poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl): Phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester blends for organic solar cell applications, Bruno, A., Villani Fulvia, Grimaldi I.A., Loffredo Fausta, Morvillo Pasquale, Diana R., Haque S., and Minarini Carla , Thin Solid Films, Volume 560, p.14-19, (2014)
Morphological and structural characterization of Sm-O-S compounds prepared by thermolysis of dithiocarbamate precursors, Signore, M.A., Taurino A., Catalano M., Bellini E., Di Girolamo G., Laera Anna Maria, Quaranta F., Vasanelli L., and Siciliano P. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 556, p.241-246, (2014)
Morphology and microstructure of core-shell GaAs/GaxAl1-xAs nanowires investigated by He-ion microscopy and X-ray reciprocal space mapping, Re, Marilena, Di Benedetto Francesca, Pesce Emanuela, Miccoli I., Prete P., Lovergine N., and Tapfer Leander , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1707, (2014)
Morphology and microstructure of NiCoCrAlYRe coatings after thermal aging and growth of an Al 2 O 3 -Rich oxide scale, Di Girolamo, G., Brentari A., and Serra Emanuele , Coatings, Volume 4, Number 4, p.701-714, (2014)
Morphology of the male reproductive system, sperm ultrastructure and γ-irradiation of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv. (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae), Paoli, F., Dallai R., Cristofaro M., Arnone Silvia, Francardi V., and Roversi P.F. , Tissue and Cell, 2014, Volume 46, p.274 - 285, (2014)
Multidecadal signals within co-occurring intertidal barnacles Semibalanus balanoides and Chthamalus spp. linked to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Mieszkowska, N., Burrows M.T., Pannacciulli Federica, and Hawkins S.J. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 133, p.70-76, (2014)
Multitemporal landslides inventory map updating using spaceborne SAR analysis, Del Ventisette, C., Righini Gaia, Moretti S., and Casagli N. , International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 30, Number 1, p.238-246, (2014)
N6-isopentenyladenosine and analogs activate the NRF2-mediated antioxidant response, Dassano, A., Mancuso Mariateresa, Giardullo Paola, Cecco L.D., Ciuffreda P., Santaniello E., Saran Anna, Dragani T.A., and Colombo F. , Redox Biology, Volume 2, Number 1, p.580-589, (2014)
Nanocomposites of epoxy resin with graphene nanoplates and exfoliated graphite: Synthesis and electrical properties, Dabrowska, A., Bellucci S., Cataldo Antonino, Micciulla F., and Huczko A. , Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, Volume 251, Number 12, p.2599-2602, (2014)
Nanofabrication tools and techniques for bio-inorganic interfaces, Cantale, Cristina, Dalmastri Claudia, Mosiello Lucia, Spinella K., Gagliardi S., Rapone B., Morales P., Caruso M., and Flammini D. , Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014///, Volume 162 LNEE, p.189 - 192, (2014)
Natural and artificial envenomation of Ceratitis capitata by Eupelmus urozonus and the search for new bioinsecticides, Moretti, Riccardo, and Calvitti Maurizio , Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 01/2014, Volume 150, Number 3, p.250-258, (2014)
Necroptosis is active in children with inflammatory bowel disease and contributes to heighten intestinal inflammation, Pierdomenico, Maria, Negroni Anna, Stronati L., Vitali Roberta, Prete E., Bertin J., Gough P.J., Aloi M., and Cucchiara S. , American Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 109, Number 2, p.279-287, (2014)
nephrolepis cordifolia: Much more than an ornamental plant... [Nephrolepis cordifolia: Molto più di una pianta ornamentale...], Bruno, G.L., d'Aquino Luigi, Fasciano C., Zicari M.A., and Tommasi F. , Italian Botanist, Volume 46, Number 2, p.325-327, (2014)
A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium-analog of hazenite, (NH4)NaMg2(PO4)2·14H2O Yang Hexiong, Yang, H., Martinelli L., Tasso Flavia, Sprocati A.R., Pinzari F., Liu Z., Downs R.T., and Sun H.J. , American Mineralogist, Volume 99, Number 8-9, p.1761-1766, (2014)
New functions for estimating AOT40 from ozone passive sampling, De Marco, Alessandra, Vitale M., Kilic U., Serengil Y., and Paoletti E. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 95, p.82-88, (2014)
The new world screwworm: prospective distribution and role of weather in eradication, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, and Ponti Luigi , Agricultural and Forest Entomology, Volume 16, p., (2014)