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nephrolepis cordifolia: Much more than an ornamental plant... [Nephrolepis cordifolia: Molto più di una pianta ornamentale...]

Titolonephrolepis cordifolia: Much more than an ornamental plant... [Nephrolepis cordifolia: Molto più di una pianta ornamentale...]
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2014
AutoriBruno, G.L., d'Aquino Luigi, Fasciano C., Zicari M.A., and Tommasi F.
RivistaItalian Botanist

Nephrolepis cordifolia (l.) c.presl is an ornamental plant diffused worldwide and displaying a certain degree of resistance to common plant pests and pathogens. the knowledge of its physiological and metabolic aspects are still scarce. this work contributes to characterize the tubers of this fern in terms of chemical composition, proliferative and regenerative attitude, and association to fungal endophytes. the results indicate that tubers are able to store mainly water, starch, fructose, glucose and sucrose. in vitro propagation tests allowed the differentiation of calli and buds from root fragments, but not from tubers. isolation on selective media revealed the presence of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai as an endophyte in tubers and roots. © 2018 Società Botanica Italiana onlus.


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Citation KeyBruno2014325