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Dielectric spectroscopy of blood cells suspensions: Study on geometrical structure of biological cells

TitoloDielectric spectroscopy of blood cells suspensions: Study on geometrical structure of biological cells
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2006
AutoriMerla, Caterina, Liberti M., Apollonio F., Nervi C., and d'Inzeo G.
Conference NameAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
Parole chiaveBiological cells, Biomedical Engineering, blood, Cells, Diagnosis, Dielectric spectroscopy, Effective Medium Theory (EMT), Morphological alterations, Pathology

A promising procedure combining dielectric spectroscopy of red blood cells and an inverse application of an Effective Medium Theory (EMT) has been realized to prove the plausibility to obtain cells morphological information. This theoretical-experimental methodology could be the basis for an accurate and simple tool in diagnosis and research activity, especially when cell morphological alterations are a prime indicator of illness as in all hematopoietic pathologies. © 2006 IEEE.

Citation KeyMerla20063194