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AGRICOLTURA SOSTENIBILE ED ENERGIE RINNOVABILI, Bozzini, Alessandro, Pizzichini Massimo, and Leone Gian Paolo , IA Ingegneria Ambientale, maggio/2011, Volume vol. XL, p.209-218, (2011)
[Air pollution: the environmental factor with the highest health burden]. [Inquinamento atmosferico: il fattore ambientale con il più elevato impatto sulla salute.], Forastiere, F., Faustini A., Stafoggia M., Badaloni C., Zanini Gabriele, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Gandini M., Berti G., and Cadum E. , Epidemiologia e prevenzione, Volume 35, Number 5-6 Suppl 2, p.115-117, (2011)
Air pollution: the environmental factor with the highest health burden, Forastiere, Francesco, Faustini Annunziata, Stafoggia Massimo, Badaloni Chiara, Zanini Gabriele, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Gandini Martina, Berti Giovanna, and Cadum Ennio , EPIDEMIOLOGIA & PREVENZIONE, SEP-DEC, Volume 35, Number 5-6, 2, p.115-117, (2011)
Air quality trends in Europe over the past decade: A first multi-model assessment, Colette, A., Granier C., Hodnebrog Ø., Jakobs H., Maurizi A., Nyiri A., Bessagnet B., D'Angiola A., D'Isidoro Massimo, Gauss M., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 11, Number 22, p.11657-11678, (2011)
Airborne urban particles (Milan winter-PM2.5) cause mitotic arrest and cell death: Effects on DNA, mitochondria, AhR binding and spindle organization, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Øvrevik J., Mollerup S., Asare N., Longhin E., Dahlman H.-J., Camatini M., and Holme J.A. , Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 713, Number 1-2, p.18-31, (2011)
(Alkylsulfanyl)bithiophene-alt-fluorene: π-conjugated polymers for organic solar cells, Parenti, F., Morvillo Pasquale, Bobeico E., Diana R., Lanzi M., Fontanesi C., Tassinari F., Schenetti L., and Mucci A. , European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Number 28, p.5659-5667, (2011)
Analysis of genetic variability in Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Crustacea, Aristeidae) using DNA-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) markers, Fernández, M.V., Maltagliati F., Pannacciulli Federica, and Roldán M.I. , Comptes Rendus - Biologies, Volume 334, Number 10, p.705-712, (2011)
Annealing protocols for pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide type ionic liquids, Furlani, M., Albinsson I., Mellander B.-E., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Passerini S. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 57, Number 1, p.220-227, (2011)
Application of Product Data Technology Standards to LCA Data, Moreno, Anna, Cappellaro Francesca, Masoni Paolo, and Amato Anna , Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 15, Number 4, p.483 – 495, (2011)
Application of Targeted Energy Transfer (TET) techniques to the seismic protection of a small scale multistorey eccentric steel structure, Tripepi, Concetta, Nucera F., Bergman L.A., McFarland D.M., and Vakakis A.F. , Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Volume 1, Number PARTS A AND B, Washington, DC, p.571-578, (2011)
Applicazioni di tecniche GIS per l'elaborazione di dati idrogeochimici ed idrogeologici nella bassa valle del fiume Calore , Ferraro, S. , Scienze Ambientali, 2011, Volume Laurea Specialistica, Benevento, (2011)
Applying molecular-based approaches to classical biological control of weeds, Gaskin, J.F., Bon M.-C., Cock M.J.W., Cristofaro M., De Biase Alessio, De Clerck-Floate R., Ellison C.A., Hinz H.L., Hufbauer R.A., Julien M.H., et al. , Biological Control, (2011)
Artificial diet for completing development of internal feeding insects of plant stems and roots as an aid for foreign exploration, Smith, L, Cristofaro M., Tronci Carlo, Tomic-Carruthers N, Story JM, and Gültekin L , XIII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, p.67, (2011)
Assessing the invasive potential of the Mediterranean fruit fly in California and Italy, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, and Ponti Luigi , Biological Invasions, (2011)
Assessment of the effects of Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb soil contamination by ecotoxicological tests, Maisto, G., Manzo Sonia, De Nicola F., Carotenuto R., Rocco A., and Alfani A. , Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 13, Number 11, p.3049-3056, (2011)
Astroglial inhibition of NF-κb does not ameliorate disease onset and progression in a mouse model for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crosio, C., Valle C., Casciati Arianna, Iaccarino C., and Carrì M.T. , PLoS ONE, Volume 6, Number 3, (2011)
Atlante dei macroinvertebrati d’acqua dolce e valutazione della qualità delle acque del Parco Regionale dei Monti Simbruini, Iannilli, Valentina, and Tarquini Luca , (2011)
Awards for the sustainable management of coastal tourism destinations: The example of the blue flag program, Creo, Carla, and Fraboni C. , Journal of Coastal Research, Number SPEC. ISSUE 61, p.378-381, (2011)
Bacteria endosymbionts: a source of innovation in biotechnology for the control of vector-borne diseases, Calvitti, Maurizio , Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume n. 6/2011 Novembre-Dicembre 2011, p.49-57, (2011)
Bacterial Cytoplasm Production of an EGFP-Labeled Single-Chain Fv Antibody Specific for the HER2 Human Receptor., Lombardi, Alessio, Gianese Giulio, Arcangeli Caterina, Galeffi Patrizia, and Sperandei Maria , Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 2011 Dec, Volume 29, p.425-39, (2011)
Biodiversity: an assessment of the implementation of the Convention in Europe, Padovani, Laura Maria, Carrabba Paola, Di Giovanni Barbara, and Mauro Francesco , 07/2011, Volume 3, (2011)
Biodiversity: an assessment of the implementation of the Convention in Europe., , Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 07/2011, Volume 3, (2011)
Biodiversity: two decades of International Convention. Where things stand., Padovani, Laura Maria, Carrabba Paola, Di Giovanni Barbara, and Mauro Francesco , Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 10/2011, Volume 4-5, (2011)
Bisadducts of C70 as electron acceptors for bulk heterojunction solar cells: A theoretical study, Morvillo, Pasquale, and Bobeico E. , Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, Volume 19, Number 5, p.410-420, (2011)
BOLCHEM: An integrated system for atmospheric dynamics and composition, Maurizi, A., D'Isidoro Massimo, and Mircea Mihaela , Integrated Systems of Meso-Meteorological and Chemical Transport Models, p.89-94, (2011)