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Cytogenetic effects in lymphocytes from children exposed to radiation fall-out after the Chernobyl accident

TitoloCytogenetic effects in lymphocytes from children exposed to radiation fall-out after the Chernobyl accident
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1997
AutoriPadovani, Laura Maria, Stronati L., Mauro Francesco, Testa Antonella, Appolloni Massimo, Anzidei Patrizia, Caporossi D., Tedeschi B., and Vernole P.
RivistaMutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Paginazione249 - 254
Data di pubblicazione1997///
Parole chiaveChernobyl, Chromosome aberration, Cytogenetics

In a previous paper we reported that a group of children exposed to ionizing radiation following the Chernobyl accident exhibited an appreciable number of chromosome breaks and rearrangements reflecting the persistence of a radiation-induced damage. The results suggested that the children were still exposed to radioactive contamination through consumer foodstuff and life styles. In the present paper, 31 exposed children have been considered together with a control group of 11 children with the aim to confirm previous results. All children underwent whole-body counter (WBC) measures and conventional cytogenetic analysis. The frequency of chromosome aberrations detected by conventional cytogenetics in the group of children chronically exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation resulted in significant differences with respect to the control group. The present work suggests that, for these groups of children, even if the frequency of aberrations is very low and the observation of statistically significant differences is consequently a problem, a persistently abnormal cytogenetic picture is still present several years after the accident.


Cited By (since 1996): 12Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

Citation Key434