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Non-Hydrostatic RegCM4 (RegCM4-NH): Model description and case studies over multiple domains

TitoloNon-Hydrostatic RegCM4 (RegCM4-NH): Model description and case studies over multiple domains
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2021
AutoriCoppola, Erika, Stocchi Paolo, Pichelli Emanuela, Alavez Jose Abraham To, Glazer Russell, Giuliani Graziano, Di Sante Fabio, Nogherotto Rita, and Giorgi Filippo
RivistaGeoscientific Model Development
Paginazione7705 – 7723
Type of ArticleArticle

We describe the development of a non-hydrostatic version of the regional climate model RegCM4, called RegCM4-NH, for use at convection-permitting resolutions. The non-hydrostatic dynamical core of the Mesoscale Model MM5 is introduced in the RegCM4, with some modifications to increase stability and applicability of the model to long-term climate simulations. Newly available explicit microphysics schemes are also described, and three case studies of intense convection events are carried out in order to illustrate the performance of the model. They are all run at a convection-permitting grid spacing of 3 km over domains in northern California, Texas and the Lake Victoria region, without the use of parameterized cumulus convection. A substantial improvement is found in several aspects of the simulations compared to corresponding coarser-resolution (12 km) runs completed with the hydrostatic version of the model employing parameterized convection. RegCM4-NH is currently being used in different projects for regional climate simulations at convection-permitting resolutions and is intended to be a resource for users of the RegCM modeling system. © 2021 Erika Coppola et al.


Cited by: 32; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access

Citation KeyCoppola20217705