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Mobile learning and science education

TitoloMobile learning and science education
Tipo di pubblicazioneMonografia
Anno di Pubblicazione2017
AutoriSirangelo, Tiziana Maria
Series TitleMobile Learning: Students' Perspectives, Applications and Challenges
Number of Pages121 – 132
EditoreNova Science Publishers, Inc.

This study provides a critical analysis of the role that mobile technologies may play to support learning/teaching activities and in particular science education. The opinions about their use in learning are different. Some are positive, and claim that mobile learning adapts well to the new pedagogic approaches of 'situated learning,' 'learning by doing' or 'authentic learning.' Others are more cautious and point out the almost total addiction of the youngsters to mobile technologies. Since the student uses these devices in everyday life to play and to communicate, it's unlikely he won't get distracted, preventing him from reaching concrete learning goals. Other experts insist that schools and more generally learning institutes should seize the opportunity to turn the means based on mobile technologies from distractions into learning tools. A means to do that could be integrating them in lessons and projects in the classes, providing similar learning context to the informal ones created by students in everyday life. Developing an activity in which mobile devices are used means to elaborate learning processes where everyone, even in the collective context, may be partially protagonist. It's essential, then, to educate to a constructive use of such equipment, in which mobile technologies aren't only regarded as an entertainment or a way to communicate, but also as learning tools, a way to share, to collaborate and to support each other. An extensive analysis of the inductive method in science education based on a student-centered approach has been carried out. It's an 'investigative' approach, in which the learner analyses the problem, observes, and formulates alternative hypothesis and comments in a critical manner. In other words, it's more like an active involvement of the student in the learning of sciences rather than a passive observation. New technologies, including mobile ones, can't guarantee the achievement of satisfactory formative results if not coupled with well planned educational projects. However, in this context they may play a significant role and prove to be an effective support tool in several moments of sciences learning and teaching activities. © 2017 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Citation KeySirangelo2017121