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On the intermittent energy transfer at viscous scales in turbulent flows.

TitoloOn the intermittent energy transfer at viscous scales in turbulent flows.
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1995
AutoriBenzi, R., Biferale L., Ciliberto S., Struglia Maria Vittoria, and Tripiccione R.
Paginazione709 – 713
Type of ArticleArticle

In this letter we present numerical and experimental results on the scaling properties of velocity turbulent fields in the range of scales where viscous effects are acting. A generalized version of extended self-similarity capable of describing scaling laws of the velocity structure functions down to the smallest resolvable scales is introduced. Our findings suggest the absence of any sharp viscous cut-off in the intermittent transfer of energy. © 1995 IOP Publishing Ltd.


Cited by: 34; All Open Access, Green Open Access

Citation KeyBenzi1995709