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The impact of the flower mite Aceria acroptiloni on the invasive plant Russian knapweed, Rhaponticum repens, in its native range

TitoloThe impact of the flower mite Aceria acroptiloni on the invasive plant Russian knapweed, Rhaponticum repens, in its native range
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2014
AutoriAsadi, G., Ghorbani R., Cristofaro M., Chetverikov P., Petanović R., Vidović B., and Schaffner U.
Paginazione367 - 375
Data di pubblicazione2014
ISBN Number13866141 (ISSN)
Parole chiaveAbove-ground biomass, aboveground biomass, Acari, Aceria, Acroptilon, Asteraceae, biocontrol agent, biological control, Classical biological control, dicotyledon, Eriophyidae, Invasive species, Iran, mite, North America, Pre-release studies, reproductive productivity, Rhaponticum, Seed production, Weed control

Rhaponticum repens (L.) Hidalgo is a clonal Asteraceae plant native to Asia and highly invasive in North America. We conducted open-field experiments in Iran to assess the impact of the biological control candidate, Aceria acroptiloni Shevchenko & Kovalev (Acari, Eriophyidae), on the target weed. Using three different experimental approaches, we found that mite attack reduced the biomass of R. repens shoots by 40-75 %. Except for the initial year of artificial infestation by A. acroptiloni of R. repens shoots, the number of seed heads was reduced by 60-80 % and the number of seeds by 95-98 %. Morphological investigations of the mite complex attacking R. repens at the experimental field site revealed that A. acroptiloni was by far the dominant mite species. We conclude that the mite A. acroptiloni is a promising biological control candidate inflicting significant impact on the above-ground biomass and reproductive output of the invasive plant R. repens. © 2014 International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC).


Export Date: 16 September 2014CODEN: BOCOFCorrespondence Address: Schaffner, U.; CABI, Rue de Grillons 1, Delémont, Switzerland; email: u.schaffner@cabi.orgReferences: Callaway, R.M., Schaffner, U., Thelen, G.C., Khamraev, A., Juginisov, T., Maron, J.L., Impact of Acroptilon repens on co-occurring native plants is greater in the invader’s non-native range (2012) Biol Invasions, 14, pp. 1143-1155;Chetverikov, P.E., Confocal laser scanning microscopy technique for the study of internal genitalia and external morphology of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) (2012) Zootaxa, 3453, pp. 56-68; Chetverikov, P.E., Cristofaro, M., de Lillo, E., Petanović, R.U., Schaffner, U., Vidovic, B., New taxonomical data on Aceria acroptiloni (Acari, Eriophyoidea), a potential biological control agent of the weed Acroptilon repens (2012) Proc. II Int Conf Comm Professor M.A. Kozlov « Modern Zoological Studies in Russia and Adjacent Countries », pp. 145-146. , A. V. Dimitriev, L. V. Egorov, and E. A. Sinichkin (Eds.), Cheboksary: Novoye vremya Press; Chetverikov, P.E., Cvrković, T., Vidović, B., Petanović, R.U., Description of a new relict eriophyoid mite, Loboquintus subsquamatus n. gen. & n. sp. (Eriophyoidea, Phytoptidae, Pentasetacini) based on confocal microscopy, SEM, COI barcoding and novel CLSM anatomy of internal genitalia (2013) Exp Appl Acarol, 61, pp. 1-30; Coombs, E.M., Clark, J.K., Piper, G.L., Confrancesco Jr., A.F., (2004) Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States, , Corvallis, USA: Oregon State University Press; Djamankulova, G., Khamraev, A., Schaffner, U., Impact of two shoot-galling biological control candidates on Russian knapweed, Acroptilon repens (2008) Biol Contol, 46, pp. 101-106; Kovalev, O.V., Shevchenko, V.G., Danilov, L.G., Aceria acroptiloni sp. n. (Acarina, Tetrapodili), a promising phytophage for the biological control of Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.) (1974) Entomol Rev, 53, pp. 25-34; Müller-Schärer, H., Schaffner, U., Classical biological control: exploiting enemy escape to manage plant invasions (2008) Biol Invasions, 10, pp. 859-874; Ni, G.-Y., Schaffner, U., Peng, S.-L., Callaway, R.M., Acroptilon repens, an Asian invader, has stronger competitive effects on species from America than species from its native range (2010) Biol Invasions, 12, pp. 3653-3663; Pearson, D.E., Callaway, R.M., Indirect effects of host-specific biological control agents (2003) Trends Ecol Evol, 18, pp. 456-461; Rice, P.M., INVADERS Database System (2013) Division of Biological Sciences, ,, University of Montana, Missoula, USA; Schaffner, U., Esch, E., Cristofaro, M., Biological control of Russian knapweed, Acroptilon repens (2013) Annual Report 2012, , CABI, Delémont, Switzerland; Skoracka, A., Kuczyński, L., Measuring the host specificity of plant-feeding mites based on field data - a case study of the Aceria species (2012) Biologia, 67, pp. 546-560; Smith, L., Host plant specificity and potential impact of Aceria salsolae (Acari: Eriophyidae), an agent proposed for biological control of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) (2005) Biol Control, 34, pp. 83-92; Smith, L., DeLillo, E., Amrine Jr., J.W., Effectiveness of eriophyid mites for biological control of weedy plants and challenges for future research (2010) Exp Appl Acarol, 51, pp. 115-149; Sun, Y., Collins, A.R., Schaffner, U., Müller-Schärer, H., Dissecting impact of plant invaders: do invaders behave differently in the new range? (2013) Ecology, 94, pp. 2124-2130; Urban, A.J., Simelane, D.O., Retief, E., Heystek, F., Williams, H.E., Madire, L.G., The invasive "Lantana camara L". hybrid complex (Verbenaceae): a review of research into its identity and biological control in South Africa (2011) Afr Entomol, 19, pp. 315-348; Vidović, B., (2012) Taxonomic characterization of the species of the genus Aceria (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) associated with the plant species of the tribe Cardueae Cass, p. 174. , (Asteraceae). PhD Thesis, University of Belgrade, Serbia; Watson, A.K., The biology of Canadian weeds. 43. Acroptilon (Centaurea) repens (L.) DC (1980) Can J Plant Sci, 60, pp. 993-1004; Zalucki, M.P., van Klinken, R.D., Predicting population dynamics of weed biological control agents: science or gazing into crystal balls? (2006) Aust J Entomol, 45, pp. 331-344; Zimmerman, K., Kazmer, D., Distribution of Russian knapweed in the contiguous United States (1999) Russian Knapweed Consortium 1999, , Big Horn, Wyoming, USA

Citation Key4759