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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7396 results
Feasibility studies for new food matrix-Reference Materials, Zoani, Claudia, Anorga L., Belc N., Castanheira I., Donard O.F.X., Kourimska L., Kukovecz A., Iatco I., Najdenkoska A., Ogrinc N., et al. , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1065, Number 23, (2018)
Feedback mechanisms between snow and atmospheric mercury: Results and observations from field campaigns on the Antarctic plateau, Spolaor, A., Angot H., Roman M., Dommergue A., Scarchilli Claudio, Vardè M., Del Guasta M., Pedeli X., Varin C., Sprovieri F., et al. , Chemosphere, Volume 197, p.306-317, (2018)
Fe(II) and Mn(II) removal from contaminated groundwater by adsorption: A comparison of activated carbon and pine bark, Sbaffoni, Silvia, Boni M.R., Tedesco P., and Vaccari M. , Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 17, Number 8, p.1989-1999, (2018)
Fifty-Hertz Magnetic Field Affects the Epigenetic Modulation of the miR-34b/c in Neuronal Cells., Consales, Claudia, Cirotti Claudia, Filomeni Giuseppe, Panatta Martina, Butera Alessio, Merla Caterina, Lopresto Vanni, Pinto Rosanna, Marino Carmela, and Benassi Barbara , Mol Neurobiol, 2018 Jul, Volume 55, Issue 7, p.5698-5714, (2018)
FNG copper benchmark evaluation for the SINBAD database, Kodeli, I., and Angelone Massimo , Fusion Engineering and Design, (2018)
Foreword—Plastic pollution: a short and impressive story, Pietrelli, L., Pignatti S., and Fossi M.C. , Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 29, Number 4, p.803-804, (2018)
Formation of Supramolecular Clusters at the Interface of Zeolite X Following the Adsorption of Rare-Earth Cations and Their Impact on the Macroscopic Properties of the Zeolite, Guzzinati, Roberta, Sarti E., Catani M., Costa V., Pagnoni A., Martucci A., Rodeghero E., Capitani D., Pietrantonio Massimiliana, Cavazzini A., et al. , ChemPhysChem, Volume 19, Number 17, p.2208-2217, (2018)
The Frascati Neutron Generator: A multipurpose facility for physics and engineering, Pietropaolo, A., Andreoli F., Angelone Massimo, Vetrella U.B., Fiore S., Loreti S., Pagano G., Pilotti R., and Pillon M. , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1021, Number 1, (2018)
The GLAM airborne campaign across the Mediterranean Basin, Ricaud, P., Zbinden R., Catoire V., Brocchi V., Dulac F., Hamonou E., Canonici J.-C., L. Amraoui El, Massart S., Piguet B., et al. , Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 99, p.361-380, (2018)
Global Distribution of Non-algal Particles From Ocean Color Data and Implications for Phytoplankton Biomass Detection, Bellacicco, M., Volpe G., Briggs N., Brando V., Pitarch J., Landolfi A., Colella S., Marullo S., and Santoleri R. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Number 15, p.7672-7682, (2018)
Gravure printing for thin film ceramics manufacturing from nanoparticles, Sico, Giuliano, Montanino M., Prontera C.T., De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, and Minarini Carla , Ceramics International, Volume 44, Number 16, p.19526-19534, (2018)
Ground deformation and associated hazards in NW peloponnese (Greece), Del Soldato, M., Del Ventisette C., Raspini F., Righini Gaia, Pancioli V., and Moretti S. , European Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 51, Number 1, p.710-722, (2018)
Hairy roots as bioreactors for the production of biopharmaceuticals, Donini, Marcello, and Marusic Carla , Hairy Roots: An Effective Tool of Plant Biotechnology, p.213-225, (2018)
High-Frequency Dielectrophoresis Characterization of Differentiated vs Undifferentiated Medulloblastoma Cells, Manczak, R., Saada S., Tanori Mirella, Casciati A., Dalmay C., Bessette B., Begaud G., Battu S., Blondy P., Jauberteau M.O., et al. , EMF-Med 2018 - 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields and COST EMF-MED Final Event with 6th MCM, (2018)
Highly tunable and large bandwidth attenuator based on few-layer graphene, Yasir, M., Bozzi M., Perregrini L., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, and Bellucci S. , 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications, IMWS-AMP 2017, Volume 2018-January, p.1-3, (2018)
A high-throughput flow cytometry system for early screening of in vitro made polyploids in Dendrobium hybrids, Grosso, V., Farina Anna, Giorgi Debora, Nardi Luca, Diretto Gianfranco, and Lucretti Sergio , Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Volume 132, Number 1, p.57-70, (2018)
How to Process Sputum Samples and Extract Bacterial DNA for Microbiota Analysis, Terranova, Leonardo, Oriano Martina, Teri Antonio, Ruggiero Luca, Tafuro Camilla, Marchisio Paola, Gramegna Andrea, Contarini Martina, Franceschi Elisa, Sottotetti Samantha, et al. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Jan-10-2018, Volume 19, Issue 10, p.3256, (2018)
How well can we correct systematic errors in historical XBT data?, Cheng, L., Luo H., Boyer T., Cowley R., Abraham J., Gouretski V., Reseghetti Franco, and Zhu J. , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 35, Number 5, p.1103-1125, (2018)
IBD risk loci are enriched in multigenic regulatory modules encompassing putative causative genes, Momozawa, Y., Dmitrieva J., Théâtre E., Deffontaine V., Rahmouni S., Charloteaux B., Crins F., Docampo E., Elansary M., Gori A.-S., et al. , Nature Communications, Volume 9, Number 1, (2018)
Identification, intra- and inter-laboratory validation of a diagnostic protocol for ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in carrot seeds, Ilardi, V., Lumia V., Di Nicola E., and Tavazza Mario , European Journal of Plant Pathology, Volume 153, Number 3, p.879-890, (2018)
Identificazione di Biomarcatori Molecolari Predittivi di Risposta al Trattamento Radiochemioterapico nel Carcinoma della Cervice, Scambia, Giovanni, Gallo Daniela, Ferrandina Maria Gabriella, Petrillo Marco, Raspaglio Giuseppina, Buttarelli Marianna, Mancuso Mariateresa, Saran Anna, Marino Carmela, Desiderio Angiola, et al. , Number 102018000009133, (2018)
Il progetto RoMA e il Parco di Veio, Carrabba, Paola, and Padovani Laura Maria , (2018)
Immune-Modulating Perspectives for Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Innate Immunity, Rosado, Maria Manuela, Simkó Myrtill, Mattsson Mats-Olof, and Pioli Claudio , Frontiers in Public Health, Volume 6, (2018)
Impact of Traffic Vibration on the Temple of Minerva Medica, Rome: Preliminary Study within the Co.B.Ra. Project, Roselli, Ivan, Fioriti Vincenzo, Bellagamba I., Mongelli M., Tatì Angelo, Barbera M., M. Cianetti Magnani, and De Canio Gerardo , International Journal of Heritage Architecture, Volume 2, Issue 1, p.102 - 114, (2018)
Implementing circular economy in Umbria through an industrial symbiosis network model, Cutaia, Laura, Boncio E., Beltrani Tiziana, Barberio Grazia, Mancuso Erika, Massoli A., Paoni S., Sbaffoni Silvia, and La Monica Marco , Session: 5g. Industrial symbiosis, networking and cooperation as part of industrial ecology; 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, 2018, Messina, (2018)