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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7352 results
Development and characterization of novel cathode materials for molten carbonate fuel cell, Giorgi, L., Carewska M., Patriarca M., Scaccia S., Simonetti E., and Di Bartolomeo A. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 49, Number 1-3, p.227-243, (1994)
The dynamics of the David Glacier and of the Drygalski ice tongue, Victoria Land, Antarctica [La dinamica del ghiacciaio di sbocco David e della sua lingua galleggiante Drygalski (Terra Vittoria, Antartide)], Frezzotti, M , Memorie - Societa Geografica Italiana, Volume 51, p.247-259, (1994)
Effects of nickel on germinating raphanus sativus seeds, Espen, L., Alisi Chiara, and Cocucci S.M. , Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 128, Number 2, p.658, (1994)
Energy and Industrial Products from Lignocellulosic Biomass by Steam Explosion and Cellulolytic Treatments. Pisa, Italy, September 23-25,199, Piero, De Leo, Daniela Cuna, Antonio Miceli, G.elmina Giagnacovo, and Donato Viggiano , Atti del X Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale, 09/1994, p.244-245, (1994)
Enthalpies of vaporization of a homologous series of n-alkanes determined from vapor pressure measurements, Piacente, Vincenzo, Fontana Danilo, and Scardala Paolo , Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Volume 39, Number 2, p.231-237, (1994)
Environmental monitoring at terra nova bay station from 1989 to 1991, Chiavarini, Salvatore, Galletti M., Michetti I., Perini A., and Testa L. , International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Volume 55, Number 1-4, p.331-340, (1994)
Evaluation of characters related to Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) resistance in Solanum berthaultii x S.tuberosum derived progenies, Bacchetta, Loretta, and Sonnino Andrea , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1994///, Volume 48, p.269 - 276, (1994)
Evaluation of interspecific DNA content variations and sex identification in Falconiformes and Strigiformes by flow cytometric analysis., De Vita, R, Cavallo D, Eleuteri Patrizia, and Dell'Omo G , Cytometry, 1994 Aug 01, Volume 16, Issue 4, Number 4, p.346-50, (1994)
Genetic variability in tomato plants regenerated from irradiated cotyledons, Crinò, P., Lai A., Di Bonito R., Veronese P., and Saccardo F. , Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 1994///, Volume 48, p.281 - 290, (1994)
Genetics of chemical carcinogenesis-II. papilloma induction and malignant conversion in susceptible (car-s) and resistant (car-r) lines of mice produced by bidirectional selective breeding and in their (car-s×car-r) f1 hybrids, Pioli, Claudio, Saran Anna, Mouton D., Troiani C., Doria G., Covelli V., Neveu T., and Biozzi G. , Carcinogenesis, Volume 15, Number 11, p.2629-2635, (1994)
I materiali lapidei della facciata de Le Monacelle di Ostuni e le loro antiche cave di provenienza, Tucci, P, Armiento Giovanna, Menichini P, and Esposito R , La conservazione dei Monumenti nel bacino del Mediterraneo, p.11–17, (1994)
In vivo rodent erythrocyte micronucleus assay, Hayashi, M., Tice R.R., MacGregor J.T., Anderson D., Blakey D.H., Kirsh-Volders M., Jr. F.B. Oleson, Pacchierotti Francesca, Romagna F., Shimada H., et al. , Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 312, Number 3, p.293-304, (1994)
Influence of storage conditions on the determination of organotin in mussels, Caricchia, A.M., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., Morabito Roberto, and Scerbo R. , Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 286, Number 3, p.329-334, (1994)
Influence of tropolone on voltammetric speciation analysis of butyltin compounds, Ferri, T., Roberti F., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., and Morabito Roberto , Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 8, Number 7-8, p.587-593, (1994)
An investigation of possible processes of radiocaesium release from organic upland soils to water bodies, Hilton, J., and Spezzano Pasquale , Water Research, Volume 28, Number 4, p.975-983, (1994)
L’isolone del ritano (Vc): Studio geomorfologico territoriale e rapporti con la vegetazione attuale., Caramello, R., Siniscalco C., Fossa V., Bari A., Minciardi Maria Rita, and Grosso S. , Giornale Botanico Italiano, Volume 128, Number 1, p.467, (1994)
Latitudinal distribution of stratospheric aerosols during the EASOE winter 1991/92, Neuber, R., Beyerle G., Fiocco G., Di Sarra Alcide, Fricke K.H., David Ch., Godin S., Knudsen B.M., Stefanutti L., Vaughan G., et al. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 21, Number 13, p.1283-1286, (1994)
Lidar observations of the Pinatubo aerosol layer at Thule, Greenland, Di Girolamo, P., Cacciani M., Di Sarra Alcide, Fiocco G., and Fuà D. , Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 21, Number 13, p.1295-1298, (1994)
Lista sistematica commentata degli uccelli del rifugio faunistico WWF di macchiagrande di focene (Roma), Biondi, M., Pietrelli L., and Guerrieri G. , Picus, Volume 20, p.139-154, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in human and canine lymphocytes after in vitro X-irradiation, Catena, C., Conti D., Villani Paola, Nastasi R., Archilei R., and Righi E. , Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 312, Number 1, p.1-8, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in X-irradiated human lymphocytes in G1 and G1 phases, Catena, C., Villani Paola, Conti D., and Righi E. , Mutation Research Regular Papers, Volume 311, Number 2, p.231-237, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB-index in patients receiving Iodine-131 therapy, Catena, C., Villani Paola, Nastasi R., Conti D., Righi E., Salerno G., Righi V.A., and Ronga G. , Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine, Volume 38, Number 4, p.586-593, (1994)
Molecular biology of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants, Bartley, G.E., Scolnik P.A., and Giuliano Giovanni , ANNU.REV.PLANT PHYSIOL.PLANT MOL.BIOL., 1994///, Volume 45, p.287 - 301, (1994)
Murine recombinant interleukin-3 induces recovery of T and B cells in irradiated mice, Frasca, D., Leter Giorgio, and Doria G. , Blood, Volume 83, Number 6, p.1563-1568, (1994)
New method of deposition of biomolecules for bioelectronic purposes, Morales, P., and Sperandei Maria , Applied Physics Letters, 1994///, Volume 64, p.1042 - 1044, (1994)