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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7387 results
Host-particle interactions in the pathogenesis of health injury from air pollution: Use of Raman Scattering Spectroscopy in the analysis of the mutual relationships between PM and cell membranes, Zerbi, G., Cetta F., Bottani C., Ferrugiari A., Tommasini M., Mantecca P., Dhamo A., Gualtieri Maurizio, and Camatini M. , GIMT - Giornale Italiano delle Malattie del Torace, Volume 63, Number 6, p.431-437, (2009)
Hydraulic criticality of the exchange flow through the strait of Gibraltar, Sannino, Gianmaria, Carillo Adriana, and Pratt L. , Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 39, Number 11, p.2779-2799, (2009)
Hydrogen sorption in Pd-decorated Mg-MgO core-shell nanoparticles, Callini, E., Pasquini L., Piscopiello E., Montone Amelia, Antisari M.V., and Bonetti E. , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 94, Number 22, (2009)
Hydrogen storage in MgH2 matrices: A study of M g- MgH2 interface using CPMD code on ENEA-GRID, Giusepponi, S., Celino M., Cleri F., and Montone Amelia , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 32, Number 2, p.139-142, (2009)
Identification of trophic interactions between Macrolophus caliginosus (Heteroptera: Miridae) and Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) using real time PCR, Schmidt, J.E.U., Almeida J.R.M., Rosati C., and Arpaia S. , BioControl, Volume 54, Number 3, p.383-391, (2009)
Il ripristino degli ecosistemi marino-costieri e la difesa delle coste sabbiose nelle Aree protette, Onori, L., Amodio M., Antonietti D., Avio L., Bedini S., Bianco P.M., Biondi M., Boccalaro F., Bonaventura S., Bovina G., et al. , Rome: ISPRA Rapporti ISPRA 100/09, (2009)
Immunomodulatory activity of a plant extract containing human papillomavirus 16-E7 protein in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells, Di Bonito, P., Grasso F., Mangino G., Massa Silvia, Illiano E., Franconi Rosella, Fanales-Belasio E., Falchi M., Affabris E., and Giorgi C. , International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, Volume 22, Number 4, p.967-978, (2009)
Incorporation of active nano-hybrids into poly(ε-caprolactone) for local controlled release: Antifibrinolytic drug, Tammaro, Loredana, Costantino U., Nocchetti M., and Vittoria V. , Applied Clay Science, Volume 43, Number 3-4, p.350-356, (2009)
Increased spermine oxidase (SMO) activity as a novel differentiation marker of myogenic C2C12 cells, Cervelli, Manuela, Fratini Emiliano, Amendola Roberto, Bianchi Marzia, Signori Emanuela, Ferraro Elisabetta, Lisi Antonella, Federico Rodolfo, Marcocci Lucia, and Mariottini Paolo , The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Jan-04-2009, Volume 41, Issue 4, p.934 - 944, (2009)
Influence of hydrostratigraphy and structural setting on the arsenic occurrence in groundwater of the Cimino-Vico volcanic area (central Italy), Angelone, Massimo, Cremisini C., Piscopo V., Proposito Marco, and Spaziani Fabio , Hydrogeology Journal, Jan-06-2009, Volume 17, Issue 4, Number 4, p.901-914, (2009)
Influence of mediator immobilization on the electrochemically assisted microbial dechlorination of trichloroethene (TCE)and cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE), Aulenta, F., Canosa A., De Roma L., Reale P., Panero S., Rossetti S., and Majone M. , Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Volume 84, Number 6, p.864-870, (2009)
Influence of metal grid patterns on the performance of silicon solar cells at different illumination levels, Morvillo, Pasquale, Bobeico E., Formisano F., and Roca F. , Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, Volume 159-160, Number C, p.318-321, (2009)
Influence of transport and trends in atmospheric CO2 at Lampedusa, Artuso, F., Chamard P., Piacentino Salvatore, Sferlazzo Damiano Massimo, De Silvestri Lorenzo, Di Sarra Alcide, Meloni Daniela, and Monteleone Francesco , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 43, Number 19, p.3044-3051, (2009)
Inkjet printed polymer layer on flexible substrate for OLED applications, Villani, Fulvia, Vacca P., Nenna G., Valentino O., Burrasca G., Fasolino Tommaso, Minarini Carla, and Della Sala Dario , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 113, Number 30, p.13398-13402, (2009)
Innovative steel connections for the retrofit of timber floors in ancient buildings: A numerical investigation, Faggiano, B., Marzo Anna, Formisano A., and Mazzolani F.M. , Computers and Structures, Volume 87, Number 1-2, p.1-13, (2009)
Insights into thermal degradation of organic light emitting diodes induced by glass transition through impedance spectroscopy, Nenna, G., Barra M., Cassinese A., Miscioscia Riccardo, Fasolino Tommaso, Tassini Paolo, Minarini Carla, and Della Sala Dario , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 105, Number 12, (2009)
An integrated approach shows different use of water resources from Mediterranean maquis species in a coastal dune ecosystem, Mereu, S., Salvatori Elisabetta, Fusaro L., Gerosa G., Muys B., and Manes F. , Biogeosciences, Volume 6, Number 11, p.2599-2610, (2009)
Integration Between Template-Based Nanostructured Surfaces and Biosensors, Vastarella, W, Maly J., Ilie M., and Pilloton R. , Biosensing Using Nanomaterials, p.377-419, (2009)
Integration of VHR satellite images with field data for the analysis of debris sheet instability in the Machu Picchu area, Casagli, N., Fanti R., and Righini Gaia , Landslides - Disaster Risk Reduction, Tokyo, p.275-281, (2009)
An intercomparison of precipitable water vapor measurements obtained during the ecowar field campaign, Fiorucci, I., Muscari G., Bianchi C., Girolamo P.D., Esposito F., Grieco G., Summa D., Bianchinid G., Palchetti L., Cacciani M., et al. , AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1100, Foz do Iguacu, p.135-138, (2009)
Inverse modeling of global and regional CH4 emissions using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals, Bergamaschi, P., Frankenberg C., Meirink J.F., Krol M., Villani Maria Gabriella, Houweling S., Dlugokencky E.J., Miller J.B., Gatti L.V., Engel A., et al. , Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Volume 114, Issue D22, (2009)
Isotype bifacial silicon solar cells obtained by ITO spray pyrolysis, Bruk, L., Fedorov V., Sherban D., Simashkevich A., Usatii I., Bobeico E., and Morvillo Pasquale , Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, Volume 159-160, Number C, p.282-285, (2009)
The italian strong motion database: Design, data input and web distribution, Luzi, L., Sabetta F., Mele F., Hailemikael S., Bindi D., Pacor F., Massa M., Lovati S., and Gorini A. , Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Volume 50, Number 2, p.179-192, (2009)
“KDEL-tagged scFv antibody expression in tobacco roots"., Daroda, Lorenza , Information Systems for Biotechnology ISB, A National Resource in Agbiotech Information, Volume January issue, (2009)
La qualità della misura per la sicurezza negli ambienti di lavoro, Zoani, Claudia, Zappa Giovanna, and Curini R. , VI Congresso “Metrologia & Qualità” - 7-9 Aprile 2009, (2009)