Produzione Scientifica
Found 7581 results
Different extraction procedures comparison for the evaluation of antimony mobility in soils from an abandoned Sb-mining area,
, TraceSpec 2007, (2007)
Different roles of α- and β-branch xanthophylls in photosystem assembly and photoprotection,
, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 282, Number 48, p.35056-35068, (2007)
Direct synthesis of II-VI compound nanocrystals in polymer matrix,
, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, Volume 244, Number 8, p.2768-2781, (2007)
DNA strand breakage in Gammarus elvirae after exposure to genotoxicants.,
, XIII International Colloquium on Amphipoda. Tihany, Hungary, 20-25 may (2007), Tihany, Hungary, (2007)
Doping effects on metallic and semiconductor single-wall carbon nanotubes,
, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 87, Number 7, p.1097-1105, (2007)
Drinking water denitrification in membrane bioreactor/membrane contactor systems,
, Desalination, Volume 210, Number 1-3, p.163-174, (2007)
Drought tolerant and susceptible wheat cultivars from field experiments to investigate the expression profile of TdDRF1 gene,
, Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 2007///, Volume 61, p.115 - 120, (2007)
Early Detection Of Ochratoxigenic Fungi On Grape And Ochratoxin A On Wine,
, XIV convegno SIPaV, Perugia, (2007)
Effect of different carbon nanotubes on cell viability and proliferation,
, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Volume 19, Number 39, (2007)
Effect of electrodes properties on OLED performances,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 6593, (2007)
Effect of growth catalysts on gas sensitivity in carbon nanotube film based chemiresistive sensors,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 90, Number 10, (2007)
Effect of p53 haploinsufficiency on melphalan-induced genotoxic effects in mouse bone marrow and peripheral blood,
, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 615, Number 1-2, p.57-65, (2007)
Effect of PEDOT:PSS ratio on the electrical and optical properties of OLEDs,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 6593, (2007)
The effect of purification of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles on the alcohol sensitivity of nanocomposite Langmuir-Blodgett films for SAW sensing applications,
, Nanotechnology, Volume 18, Number 18, (2007)
Effects of crop diversification levels and fertilization regimes on abundance of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and its parasitization by Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) in broccoli,
, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2007///, Volume 9, p.209 - 214, (2007)
Effects of exposure of newborn Patched1 heterozygous mice to GSM, 900 MHz,
, Radiation Research, Volume 168, Number 6, p.733-740, (2007)
Effects of land surface-vegetation on the boreal summer surface climate of a GCM,
, Journal of Climate, Volume 20, Number 2, p.255-278, (2007)
Effects of light exposure or shading during growth of kiwifruit on the respiration of mitochondria isolated from the pulp of cold-stored fruit,
, Acta Horticulturae, Jan-10-2007, Issue 753, p.439 - 446, (2007)
Effects of the baroclinic adjustment on the tropopause in the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis,
, Climate Dynamics, Volume 28, Number 2-3, p.325-332, (2007)
Efficiency and aging comparison between N,N′-bis (3-methylphenyl)-N, N′-diphenylbenzidine (TPD) and N,N′-Di-[(1-naphthalenyl)-N,N′- diphenyl]-1,1′-biphenyl-4,4′-diamine (NPD) based OLED devices,
, Macromolecular Symposia, Volume 247, p.311-317, (2007)
Electrical stress degradation of small-grain polysilicon thin-film transistors,
, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 54, Number 3, p.476-482, (2007)
Electron transfer from a solid-state electrode assisted by methyl viologen sustains efficient microbial reductive dechlorination of TCE,
, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 41, Number 7, p.2554-2559, (2007)
Electrospun dye-doped polymer nanofibers emitting in the near infrared,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 90, Number 14, (2007)
Electrosynthesis of poly(o-phenylenediamine) in a room temperature ionic liquid,
, Electrochemistry Communications, Volume 9, Number 8, p.2037-2040, (2007)
Elimination of polyethylene glycol from aqueous solution using activated carbon,
, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 16, Number 3, p.385-388, (2007)