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Produzione Scientifica

Found 7387 results
Dispositivo e Sistema di Misura, Miscioscia, Riccardo, Citarella A., Pascarella F., Pandolfi G., Loffredo Fausta, Villani Fulvia, Fasolino Tommaso, Minarini Carla, and Quercia L. , 07/2016, Volume 102016000079657, Number 102016000079657, Italia, (2016)
Dispositivo multisensoriale "Airbox" per la qualità dell'aria. Dalla progettazione alla messa in esercizio, Penza, Michele, Pfister Valerio, Prato Mario, and Suriano Domenico , COMITATO NAZIONALE PER LA RICERCA E PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'ENERGIA NUCLEARE E DELLE ENERGIE ALTERNATIVE. ENEA-RT/DISP, (2016)
Distinct effects of p19 RNA silencing suppressor on small RNA mediated pathways in plants, Kontra, L., Csorba T., Tavazza Mario, Lucioli Alessandra, Tavazza Raffaela, Moxon S., Tisza V., Medzihradszky A., Turina M., and Burgyán J. , PLoS pathogens, Jun-10-2016, Volume 12, Issue 10, p.e1005935, (2016)
Early and late adjustments of the photosynthetic traits and stomatal density in Quercus ilex L. grown in an ozone-enriched environment, Fusaro, L., Gerosa G., Salvatori Elisabetta, Marzuoli R., Monga R., Kuzminsky E., Angelaccio C., Quarato D., and Fares S. , Plant Biology, Volume 18, p.13-21, (2016)
Ecophysiological and phytochemical response to ozone of wine grape cultivars of Vitis vinifera L., Valletta, A., Salvatori Elisabetta, A. Santamaria Rita, Nicoletti M., Toniolo C., Caboni E., Bernardini A., Pasqua G., and Manes F. , Natural Product Research, Volume 30, Number 22, p.2514-2522, (2016)
Editorial: Plant molecular farming: Fast, scalable, cheap, sustainable, De Martinis, D., Rybicki E.P., Fujiyama K., Franconi Rosella, and Benvenuto Eugenio , Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 7, Number AUG2016, (2016)
Effect of BET missense mutations on bromodomain function, inhibitor binding and stability, Lori, L., Pasquo A., Lori C., Petrosino M., Chiaraluce R., Tallant C., Knapp S., and Consalvi V. , PLoS ONE, Volume 11, Number 7, (2016)
Effect of filtration flux on the development and operation of a dynamic membrane for anaerobic wastewater treatment, Saleem, M., Alibardi L., Lavagnolo M.C., Cossu R., and Spagni A. , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 180, p.459-465, (2016)
The effect of future ambient air pollution on human premature mortality to 2100 using output from the ACCMIP model ensemble, Silva, R.A., West J.J., Lamarque J.F., Shindell D.T., Collins W.J., Dalsoren S., Faluvegi G., Folberth G., Horowitz L.W., Nagashima T., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16, Number 15, p.9847-9862, (2016)
Effects of exposure to gradient magnetic fields emitted by nuclear magnetic resonance devices on clonogenic potential and proliferation of human hematopoietic stem cells, Iachininoto, M.G., Camisa V., Leone L., Pinto Rosanna, Lopresto Vanni, Merla Caterina, Giorda E., Carsetti R., Zaffina S., Podda M.V., et al. , Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 37, Number 4, p.201-211, (2016)
Effects of high Zn and Pb concentrations on Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex. Steudel: Photosynthetic performance and metal accumulation capacity under controlled conditions, Bernardini, A., Salvatori Elisabetta, Guerrini V., Fusaro L., Canepari S., and Manes F. , International Journal of Phytoremediation, Volume 18, Number 1, p.16-24, (2016)
Effects of microwaves (900 MHz) on peroxidase systems: A comparison between lactoperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase, Barteri, M., De Carolis R., Marinelli F., Tomassetti G., and Montemiglio L.C. , Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 35, Number 2, p.126-133, (2016)
Effects of the substrate on graphone magnetism: A density functional theory study, Buonocore, F., A. Conte Mosca, and Lisi N. , Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 78, p.65-72, (2016)
Effects of year and sampling site on mean fibre diameter of Alashan cashmere goat, Antonini, Marco, Wang J., Lou Y., Tang P., Renieri C., Pazzaglia I., and Valbonesi A. , Small Ruminant Research, Volume 137, p.71-72, (2016)
Electrochemically growth of Pd doped ZnO nanorods on QCM for room temperature VOC sensors, Penza, Michele , SENSORS AND ACTUATORS. B, CHEMICAL, Volume 222, p.280-289, (2016)
Electromagnetic properties of graphene nanoplatelets/epoxy composites, Plyushch, A., Macutkevic J., Kuzhir P., Banys J., Bychanok D., Lambin P., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Micciulla F., and Bellucci S. , Composites Science and Technology, Volume 128, p.75-83, (2016)
Electron beam curing technology for very high-throughput manufacturing of flexible alternating current powder electroluminescent devices, Minarini, Carla, Maglione Maria Grazia, Tassini Paolo, and Sico Giuliano , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, Volume 63, (2016)
Electrophoretic deposition of Au NPs on MWCNT-based gas sensor for tailored gas detection with enhanced sensing properties, Dilonardo, E., Penza Michele, Alvisi Marco, Di Franco C., Rossi R., Palmisano F., Torsi L., and Cioffi N. , Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 223, p.417-428, (2016)
Electrospun fibers as potential carrier systems for enhanced drug release of perphenazine, Bruni, G., Maggi L., Tammaro Loredana, Lorenzo R.D., Friuli V., D'Aniello S., Maietta M., Berbenni V., Milanese C., Girella A., et al. , International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 511, Number 1, p.190-197, (2016)
Electrothermal modeling and characterization of carbon interconnects with negative temperature coefficient of the resistance, Maffucci, A., Micciulla F., Cataldo Antonino, Bellucci S., and Miano G. , 2016 IEEE 20th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, SPI 2016 - Proceedings, (2016)
Elemento di Rinforzo Antisismico in Fibra Naturale, Marzo, Anna, and Tripepi Concetta , Number 102016000116158, (2016)
Elucidating the origin of the improved current output in inverted polymer solar cells, Morvillo, Pasquale, Ricciardi Rosa, Nenna G., Bobeico E., Diana R., and Minarini Carla , Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 152, p.51-58, (2016)
End-of-life modelling in life cycle assessment—material or product-centred perspective?, Mengarelli, M., Neugebauer S., Finkbeiner M., Germani M., Buttol P., and Reale F. , International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, p.1-14, (2016)
End-of-Waste SiC-Based Flexible Substrates with Tunable Electrical Properties for Electronic Applications, De Girolamo Del Mauro, Anna, Galvagno Sergio, Nenna G., Miscioscia Riccardo, Minarini Carla, and Portofino Sabrina , Langmuir, Volume 32, Number 41, p.10497-10504, (2016)
The ENEA center for the assessment and management of invasive species (ENEA-camis) as a node in the AnaEE distributed European research infrastructure, Sasso, Raffaele, Ponti Luigi, Nobili Paola, Musmeci Sergio, Moretti Riccardo, Letardi Agostino, Calvitti Maurizio, and Arnone Silvia , First Scientific User Forum of the Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE), (2016)