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Electrical stress effects on organic thin-film transistor with solution-processed TIPS-pentacene and poly-4-vinylphenol dielectric

TitleElectrical stress effects on organic thin-film transistor with solution-processed TIPS-pentacene and poly-4-vinylphenol dielectric
Publication TypePresentazione a Congresso
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsTassini, Paolo, Maglione Maria Grazia, Rega R., De Girolamo Del Mauro Anna, Fasolino Tommaso, Pandolfi G., Calò E., Minarini Carla, and Maddalena P.
Conference NameAIP Conference Proceedings
Conference LocationIschia

Organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) with bottom-gate top-contacts architecture have been fabricated on glass substrates using solution-processed TIPS-pentacene (triisopropylsilyl pentacene) as semiconductor and cross-linked PVP (poly(4-vinylphenol)) as insulator, with Gold contacts evaporated through shadow masks. Applying constant electrical stress for short time on both gate and drain, an increase of drain current respect just finished devices have been observed in output and transfer characteristics. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

Citation KeyTassini2012262