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Meeting Internazionali

ENEA presenta a Nanoinnovation 2019 MAIA, la nuova Infrastruttura Aperta cofinanziata dalla Regione Lazio per lo sviluppo di Materiali Avanzati.

11 June 2019 to 14 June 2019

NanoInnovation è il punto d'incontro nazionale per la vasta e multidisciplinare comunità coinvolta nello sviluppo delle nanotecnologie e la loro integrazione con altre tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali (KET). L'evento è punto di incontro fra ricercatori, tecnologi, manager, imprenditori e investitori che possono condividere le loro esperienze, opinioni e aspettative sul ruolo delle nanotecnologie per le innovazioni future.

Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology

30 May 2019 to 31 May 2019

Recognizing the increasing need of ad hoc and innovative mathematical and statistical tools for current and emerging metrological applications in the several areas of the Science of Measurements, itENBIS ( and INRIM ( propose a joint Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology.

5th International Conference on Translational Immunology

16 May 2019

One of the priorities of biomedical science in the 21st century is to convey scientific discoveries into health improvement. To contribute to this goal, the Italian Society of Immunology Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA) is pleased to invite you to the “5th Conference on Translational Medicine on Pathogenesis and Therapy of Immune-mediated Diseases”, which will take place on May 16-18, 2018 in Milan.


“Workshop on High Performance Materials” Brindisi, 6 e 7 Dicembre 2018

6 December 2018 to 7 December 2018

Si svolgerà a Brindisi, il prossimo 6 e 7 dicembre, il workshop di chiusura del Progetto EXTREME, un progetto europeo nato sotto l’egida della KIC EIT RawMaterials, che ha visto la costituzione di un “network of infrastructure” coordinato da ENEA e comprendente altri 8 partner tra centri di ricerca, università e aziende di tutta Europa, operanti nel settore delle materie prime critiche.

Mission Innovation | Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge: an European Meeting - Rome, 25th October 2018

25 October 2018

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative launched by 20 heads of state in Paris in November 2015. MI’s goal is to accelerate public and private energy innovation to address global energy challenges, make clean energy affordable to consumers, and create jobs and commercial opportunities in the energy sector. Together, the 20 founding partner countries represent 75 percent of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity and over 80 percent of the world’s clean energy research and development (R&D) investment.

Seventh International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2019)

10 June 2019

RAD Conferences gather people from various fields of research (natural science, medicine, environmental protection, engineering, …), representing the right choice for biologists, chemists, physicists, medical doctors, environmental protection specialists, electrical engineers and many others who are in a way connected to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, as well as other areas related to them.

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