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Meeting Internazionali

International Virtual Workshop on Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Innovations Frontiers

10 December 2020 to 11 December 2020

The two-days International Virtual Workshop on CRM Innovations Frontiers represents a real opportunity to know the latest trends of the innovation in the various aspects of the critical raw materials world from the perspective of companies, universities, research institutions and public administrations.

Conference on Recovery After Nuclear Accidents Radiological Protection Lessons from Fukushima and Beyond

1 December 2020 to 4 December 2020

La Conferenza internazionale “Conference on Recovery After Nuclear Accidents Radiological Protection Lessons from Fukushima and Beyond” ( è un evento on-line (1-4 Dicembre 2020), organizzato dalla Commissione Internazionale sulla Radioprotezione (ICRP), ospitato dall'Agenzia giapponese per l'energia atomica (JAEA)  in associazione con altre Istituzioni Internazionali.

New rules for registration of microbial-based fertilizers: how research can support a science-based approach during the registration process

26 October 2020

On October 26th 2020, 14.00-15.30,  SIMBA Project will participate  a round table entitled "New rules for registration of microbial-based fertilizers: how research can support a science-based approach during the registration process" organized by the Excalibur Project  Exploiting the multifunctional potential of belowground biodiversity in horticultural farming  - H2020

SIMBA Project



The 8th World Sustainability Forum – METROFOOD-RI and Coronavirus

15 September 2020 to 17 September 2020

The  8th  World Sustainability Forum (WSF2020) is an international scientific conference co-ordinated by MDPI and the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, under the patronage of the University of Basel, the University of Geneva and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN). The event will take place on 15-17 September 2020, Geneva, Switzerland as part of the First World Sustainability Week which runs from 14-19 September and comprises satellite events.

R.E.E.HUB Project Closure Event | Presentation and perspectives of the Regional Energy Efficiency Hubs

11 September 2020

Event organized by ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) along with the University of Montenegro under the project REEHUB, co-financed by transfrontier Project Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania – Montenegro and by the support of and the patronage of the First Italian Zero Energ

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