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A seamless weather–climate multi-model intercomparison on the representation of a high impact weather event in the western Mediterranean: HyMeX IOP12,
, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 142, p.433 – 452, (2016)
Seasonality of 7Be concentrations in Europe and influence of tropopause height,
, Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Volume 68, Number 1, (2016)
Seed yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of new genotypes of spineless safflower,
, 67th Annual Meeting of the Eupean Association for Animal Production, p.665, (2016)
Seismic amplification in a fractured rock site. The case study of San Gregorio (L'Aquila, Italy),
, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, (2016)
Seismic performance of masonry walls retrofitted with steel reinforced grout,
, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 45, Number 2, p.229-251, (2016)
Seismic vulnerability assessment methods applied to the historic built-up of Arsita within the 2009 post-earthquake reconstruction plan,
, Int. J. Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, Volume 2-3/4, (2016)
Sequenza segnale di proteina vegetale come coadiuvante in vaccini a DNA,
, Number 102016000131935, (2016)
Set-up of an experimental procedure for the measurement of thermal transmittances via infrared thermography on lab-made prototype walls,
, Infrared Physics and Technology, Volume 79, p.135-143, (2016)
Shift in microbial community structure of anaerobic side-stream reactor in response to changes to anaerobic solid retention time and sludge interchange ratio,
, Bioresource Technology, Volume 221, p.588-597, (2016)
A simple time-lapse apparatus for monitoring macrozoobenthos activity in Antarctica,
, Antarctic Science, Volume 28, Number 6, p.473-474, (2016)
Sintering and mechanical properties of β‐SiC powder obtained from waste tires,
, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Volume 5, Number 1, p.40-46, (2016)
The Smart Ring Experience in l’Aquila (Italy): Integrating Smart Mobility Public Services with Air Quality Indexes,
, Chemosensors, Volume 4, Number 4, ARTICLE NUMBER = 24, (2016)
Solanum melongena: an Illumina/BioNano Genomics integrated approach for a high quality assembly of the Eggplant genome,
, The 4th Plant Genomics Congress: Europe, p.9–9, (2016)
Some recent findings on the use of SEM-EDS in microstructural characterisation of as-sprayed and thermally aged porous coatings: A short review,
, AIMS Materials Science, Volume 3, Number 2, p.404-424, (2016)
Spatial structure of skin follicles in Suri and Huacaya alpacas,
, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 140, p.22-26, (2016)
Spatial variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean): Contrasting trawled vs. untrawled areas,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 122, p.113-125, (2016)
Spatial variations in feeding habits and trophic levels of two small pelagic fish species in the central Mediterranean Sea,
, Marine Environmental Research, Volume 115, p.65-77, (2016)
Sputtered WO3 films for water splitting applications,
, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Volume 42, p.150-154, (2016)
Steam pretreatment of Saccharum officinarum L. bagasse by adding of impregnating agents for advanced bioethanol production,
, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Jan-12-2016, Volume 134, p.293 - 300, (2016)
Stoichiometric evaluation of partial nitritation, anammox and denitrification processes in a sequencing batch reactor and interpretation of online monitoring parameters,
, Chemosphere, Volume 164, p.488-498, (2016)
Stratospheric aerosols from major volcanic eruptions: A composition-climate model study of the aerosol cloud dispersal and e-folding time,
, Atmosphere, Volume 7, Number 6, (2016)
Structural analysis of advanced polymeric foams by means of high resolution X-ray computed tomography,
, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1749, (2016)
Sulfate aerosols from non-explosive volcanoes: Chemical-radiative effects in the troposphere and lower stratosphere,
, Atmosphere, Volume 7, Number 7, (2016)
Surface water - Groundwater connectivity implications on nitrate cycling assessed by means of hydrogeologic and isotopic techniques in the Alento river basin (Salerno, Italy): Preliminary data,
, Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Volume 41, p.80-83, (2016)
Surface water-groundwater connectivity implications on nitrate cycling assessed by means of hydrogeologic and isotopic techniques in the Alento river basin (Salerno, Italy): Preliminary data,
, Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Volume 41, p.80-83, (2016)