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Terrestrial gamma dose rate mapping (Euganean Hills, Italy): comparison between field measurements and HPGe gamma spectrometric data, Cinelli, Giorgia, Brattich E., Coletti C., De Ingeniis V., Mazzoli C., Mostacci D., Sassi R., and Tositti L. , Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Volume 175, Number 1-2, p.54-67, (2020)
Tetramesa amica and its parasitoid eurytoma amicophaga (Hymenoptera, eurytomidae): Two new species associated with medusahead, taeniatherum caput-medusae (poaceae), Lotfalizadeh, H., Rasplus J.-Y., Cristofaro M., and Marini F. , ZooKeys, Volume 2020, Number 1005, p.133-149, (2020)
Thermal biology of Tuta absoluta: demographic parameters and facultative diapause, de Campos, Mateus Ribeiro, Béarez Philippe, Amiens-Desneux Edwige, Ponti Luigi, Gutierrez Andrew Paul, Biondi Antonio, Adiga Abhijin, and Desneux Nicolas , Journal of Pest Science, Jun-10-2020, Volume 94, p.829–842, (2020)
Thermoplastic starch (TPS) films added with mucilage from opuntia ficus indica: Mechanical, microstructural and thermal characterization, Scognamiglio, F., Mirabile Gattia Daniele, Roselli G., Persia F., Angelis U., and Santulli C. , Materials, Volume 13, Number 4, (2020)
Thorough Multianalytical Characterization and Quantification of Micro- and Nanoplastics from Bracciano Lake’s Sediments, Corti, Andrea, Vinciguerra Virginia, Iannilli Valentina, Pietrelli Loris, Manariti Antonella, Bianchi Sabrina, Petri Antonella, Cifelli Mario, Domenici Valentina, and Castelvetro Valter , Sustainability, Volume 12, Issue 878, p.1-19, (2020)
Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status, Danovaro, R., Fanelli E., Canals M., Ciuffardi Tiziana, Fabri M.-C., Taviani M., Argyrou M., Azzurro E., Bianchelli S., Cantafaro A., et al. , Marine Policy, Jan-02-2020, Volume 112, p.103781, (2020)
Towards an integrated approach for red mud valorisation: a focus on titanium, Pietrantonio, Massimiliana, Pucciarmati Stefano, Torelli G.N., D’Aria G., Forte Federica, and Fontana Danilo , International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 07/2020, (2020)
Transport and deposition of microplastics and mesoplastics along the river course: A case study of a small river in central Italy, Gallitelli, L., Cesarini G., Cera A., Sighicelli Maria, Lecce Francesca, Menegoni Patrizia, and Scalici M. , Hydrology, Volume 7, Number 4, p.1-16, (2020)
Transportomics for the Characterization of Plant Apocarotenoid Transmembrane Transporters, Demurtas, Olivia Costantina, R. Francisco de Brito, Martinoia E., and Giuliano Giovanni , Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Volume 2083, p.89-99, (2020)
Trends in atmospheric humidity and temperature above Dome C, antarctica evaluated from observations and reanalyses, Ricaud, P., Grigioni P., Roehrig R., Durand P., and Veron D.E. , Atmosphere, Volume 11, Number 8, (2020)
Turn climate information into value for the Mediterranean wine sector: the MED-GOLD potential, Dell'Aquila, Alessandro , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, (2020)
Ultrafine particle features associated with pro-inflammatory and oxidative responses: Implications for health studies, Costabile, F., Gualtieri Maurizio, Ancona C., Canepari S., and Decesari S. , Atmosphere, Volume 11, (2020)
Untargeted metagenomic investigation of the airway microbiome of cystic fibrosis patients with moderate-severe lung disease, Bacci, G., Taccetti G., Dolce D., Armanini F., Segata N., Di Cesare F., Lucidi V., Fiscarelli E., Morelli P., Casciaro R., et al. , Microorganisms, Jan-07-2020, Volume 8, Issue 7, Number 7, p.1-18, (2020)
Urban mining di materie prime e CRM dalle batterie dei veicoli elettici per la realizzazione di una filiera circolare in Italia, Chiavetta, Cristian, La Monica Marco, Porta Pier Luigi, Scagliarino C., and Cutaia Laura , Fifth Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining, 18-20 November 2020, 2020, (2020)
Validation of a database of mean uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations in rock samples of Portuguese geological units, generated of literature data, Domingos, F., Cinelli Giorgia, Neves L., Pereira A., Braga R., Bossew P., and Tollefsen T. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 222, (2020)
Valutazione preliminare in ottica di ciclo di vita della fattibilità di una filiera italiana del riciclaggio delle batterie elettriche per autotrazione, Chiavetta, Cristian, La Monica Marco, Porta Pier Luigi, Scagliarino C., and Cutaia Laura , Atti del XIV Convegno della Rete Italiana LCA - IX Convegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA - Cortina d'Ampezzo, 9-11 dicembre 2020, 2021, Cortina d'Ampezzo, p.333–341, (2020)
Varying snow and vegetation signatures of surface albedo feedback on the Northern Hemisphere land warming, Alessandri, Andrea, Catalano Franco, De Felice Matteo, van den Hurk Bart, and Balsamo Gianpaolo , Environmental Research Letters, 12/2020, Volume 16, Number 3, (2020)
Vibration monitoring in historical city centers: Effect of tram speed on the vibration intensity induced to the temple of Minerva MEdica, Rome [Monitoraggio delle vibrazione nei centri storici: Effetto della velocità dei tram sull’intensità delle vibr, Roselli, Ivan, Fioriti Vincenzo, De Canio G., Saitta Fernando, Colucci A., and Forliti S. , REHABEND, p.800-809, (2020)
Voltage-Controlled and Input-Matched Tunable Microstrip Attenuators Based on Few-Layer Graphene, Yasir, M., Bistarelli S., Cataldo Antonino, Bozzi M., Perregrini L., and Bellucci S. , IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 68, Number 2, p.701-710, (2020)
A water-waste-energy nexus approach to bridge the sustainability gap in landfill-based waste management regions, Mancini, G., Luciano Antonella, Bolzonella D., Fatone F., Viotti P., and Fino D. , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 137, (2020)
Wavelet analysis ultra-thin metasurface for hypersonic flow control, Pagliaroli, T., Pagliaro A., Patanè F., Tatì Angelo, and Peng L. , Applied Acoustics, Volume 157, (2020)
A Wideband and Low-Sidelobe Series-Fed Patch Array at 5.8 GHz for Radar Applications, Sacco, G., D'Atanasio Paolo, and Pisa S. , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 19, Number 1, p.9–13, (2020)
A Wideband Series Fed Patch Array with Side Lobe Level Control, Sacco, G., D'Atanasio Paolo, and Pisa S. , 2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020, (2020)
Year-round acoustic patterns of dolphins and interaction with anthropogenic activities in the Sicily Strait, central Mediterranean Sea, Papale, E., Alonge G., Grammauta R., Ceraulo M., Giacoma C., Mazzola S., and Buscaino G. , Ocean & Coastal Management, Jan-11-2020, Volume 197, p.105320, (2020)
ZnS wurtzite ceramic fabrication by a simple and cost‐effective pressureless sintering method: A microstructure development overview, R Whiffen, Krsmanović, Salernitano E., Grilli Selene, Magnani G., Mazzanti Francesca, Pilloni L., and Montone Amelia , Microscopie, 2020-09-28 , Volume 31, Issue 2, p.53, (2020)