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Preparation and homogeneity study of a mussel candidate reference material for certification of organotin compounds, Quevauviller, P., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., Morabito Roberto, Bianchi M., and Muntau H. , Mikrochimica Acta, Volume 120, Number 1-4, p.281-287, (1995)
Primed in situ labelling facilitates flow sorting of similar sized chromosomes, Pich, U., Meister A., Macas J., Dolezel J., Lucretti Sergio, and Schubert I. , Plant Journal, 1995///, Volume 7, p.1039 - 1044, (1995)
Primer-induced labeling of pea and field bean chromosomes in situ and in suspension, Macas, J., Dolezel J., Gualberti G., Pich U., Schubert I., and Lucretti Sergio , BioTechniques, 1995///, Volume 19, p.402 - 404+406+408, (1995)
Radiochemical purification of no-carrier-added scandium-47 for radioimmunotherapy, Kolsky, K.L., Pietrelli L., Mausner L.F., and Srivastava S.C. , J. Nucl. Med., Volume 32, (1995)
Reconstitution of Arabidopsis casein kinase II from recombinant subunits and phosphorylation of transcription factor GBF1, Klimczak, L.J., Collinge M.A., Farini D., Giuliano Giovanni, Walker J.C., and Cashmore A.R. , Plant Cell, 1995///, Volume 7, p.105 - 115, (1995)
Reduction of deuterium permeation through SiC/SiC composites by plasma-spray deposited eutectic AlSi, Racault, C., Serra Emanuele, and Fenici P. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 227, Number 1-2, p.50-57, (1995)
Resistance to bacterial canker in Lycopersicon spp.. Characterization and transfer in lines of table tomato, Veronese, P, Stamigna Catia, Lai A, Chiaretti D, Crino P, and Saccardo F , Petria (Italy), (1995)
[Resistance to bacterial canker in Lycopersicon spp.. Characterization and transfer in lines of table tomato].[Italian], Veronese, P, Stamigna Catia, Lai A, Chiaretti D, Crino P, and Saccardo F , Petria, (1995)
SAW delay lines for thermal detection of gases and gas flows, Anisimkin, V.I., Penza Michele, Maksimov S.A., and Vasanelli L. , Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Volume 1, Seattle, WA, USA, p.481-484, (1995)
SAW gas detection using uncommon delay lines, Anisimkin, V.I., Penza Michele, Kotelyanskii I.M., and Vasanelli L. , Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Volume 1, Seattle, WA, USA, p.485-488, (1995)
A seasonal model of the Mediterranean Sea general circulation, Roussenov, V., Stanev E., Artale V., and Pinardi N. , Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 100, Number C7, p.13,515-13,538, (1995)
Slope waste deposits in the surrounding of the Fucino Plain (central Italy): Palæoclimatic significance and human impact [I detriti di versante ai margini della Piana del Fucino (Italia centrale): Significato paleoclimatico ed impatto antropico], Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 8, Number 1, p.203-209, (1995)
Status and reproductive habitat selection of three species of shrikes, Lanius collurio, L. senator, and L. minor, in a Mediterranean area, Guerrieri, G., Pietrelli L., and Biondi M. , Proc. Western Foundation Vertebrate Zoology, Volume 6, p.167-171, (1995)
Status and reproductive habitat selection of three species of shrikes, L. collurio, L. senator and L. minor, in a Mediterranean area., Guerrieri, G., Pietrelli L., and Biondi M. , Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, Volume 6, p.167-171, (1995)
Study of ion-molecule interaction in poly(methylmethacrylate) based gel electrolytes by raman spectroscopy, Cazzanelli, E., Mariotto G., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, Croce F., and Scrosati B. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 40, Number 13-14, p.2379-2382, (1995)
The surface rate constants of deuterium in the martensitic steel DIN 1.4914 (MANET), Serra, Emanuele, and Perujo A. , Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 223, Number 2, p.157-162, (1995)
Susceptibility to vinblastine‐induced aneuploidy and preferential chromosome segregation during meiosis I in Robertsonian heterozygous mice, Pacchierotti, Francesca, Tiveron C., Mailhes J.B., and Davisson M.T. , Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, Volume 15, Number 5, p.217-230, (1995)
Synthesis and characterization of amorphous Fe80-xCrxB20 nanoparticles, Fiorani, D., Romero H., Suber L., Testa A.M., Vittori M., Montone Amelia, Dormann J.L., and Maknani J. , Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 204, Number 1-2, p.165-168, (1995)
Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of fine Fe-Cr-B amorphous particles, Suber, L., Fiorani D., Romero H., De Pamphilis A., Vittori M., Montone Amelia, Dormann J.L., and Maknani J. , Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.209-214, (1995)
Synthesis of nanocrystalline iron aluminides by mechanical alloying, Cardellini, F., Contini V., Mazzone G., and Montone Amelia , Materials Science Forum, Volume 195, Rome, Italy, p.19-24, (1995)
Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of amorphous Fe80-XCrXB20 particles, Suber, L., Romero H., Fiorani D., Testa A.M., Montone Amelia, M. Antisari Vittori, Dormann J.L., Maknani J., and Sparvieri N. , Nanostructured Materials, Volume 6, Number 5-8, p.949-952, (1995)
A thin layer, solid-state, primary Li|Ag2CrO4 polymer battery, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Moyroud E., and Scrosati B. , Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Volume 25, Number 10, p.987-988, (1995)
Treatment of maize pollen to reduce nuclease activity, Broglia, M., and Corona C.V. , Sexual Plant Reproduction, 1995///, Volume 8, p.187, (1995)
Twentieth century behaviour of the ice fronts in Antarctica: environmental change evidence [Fluttuazioni delle fronti dei ghiacciai galleggianti durante il xx secolo in Antartide: evidenze di cambiamenti ambientali], Frezzotti, M , Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Volume 18, Number 2, p.271-275, (1995)
Water permeability during the early phase of incubation of Raphanus sativus seeds: Effects of a medium with low water potential and fusicoccin, Cocucci, S.M., Morgutti S., Abruzzese A., Alisi Chiara, and Espen L. , Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Volume 33, Number 1, p.61-69, (1995)