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Localized states in arbitrarily shaped quantum wire: A variation-perturbation technique, Buonocore, F., Ninno D., and Iadonisi G. , Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, Volume 225, Number 2, p.343-352, (2001)
Low-frequency vibrational modes in proteins: A neutron scattering investigation, Bizzarri, A.R., Paciaroni A., Arcangeli Caterina, and Cannistraro S. , European Biophysics Journal, Volume 30, Number 6, p.443-449, (2001)
A mesoscale model intercomparison: A case of explosive development of a tropical cyclone (COMPARE III), Nagata, M., Leslie L., Kamahori H., Nomura R., Mino H., Kurihara Y., Rogers E., Elsberry R.L., Basu B.K., Buzzi A., et al. , Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Volume 79, Number 5, p.999-1033, (2001)
Mo-based compounds for SiC-SiC joints, Magnani, G., Beaulardi L., Mingazzini C., and Marmo E. , Key Engineering Materials, Volume 206-213, Number I, Brugge, p.583-586, (2001)
Modifications of c-Si/a-Si:H/indium tin oxide heterostructures upon thermal annealing, Losurdo, M., Giangregorio M., Capezzuto P., Bruno G., Varsano F., Tucci M., and Roca F. , Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 90, Number 12, p.6505-6512, (2001)
Molecular characterization and in planta detection of Fusarium moniliforme endopolygalacturonase isoforms, Daroda, Lorenza, Hahn K., Pashkoulov D., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2001///, Volume 59, p.317 - 325, (2001)
Molecular dynamics simulation and essential dynamics study of mutated plastocyanin: Structural, dynamical and functional effects of a disulfide bridge insertion at the protein surface, Arcangeli, Caterina, Bizzarri A.R., and Cannistraro S. , Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 92, Number 3, p.183-199, (2001)
Momentum transfer parameter in argon-assisted carbon coatings, Rizzo, Antonella, Alvisi Marco, Sarto F., and Scaglione S. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 384, Number 2, p.215-222, (2001)
Monitoring O3 with solar-blind Raman lidars, de Tomasi, F., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Applied Optics, Volume 40, Number 9, p.1314-1320, (2001)
Monte Carlo studies of model systems of rodlike molecules with partially flexible terminal groups and/or with side groups, Di Landa, G., and Vacatello M. , Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Volume 352, Crete, p.691/257-698/264, (2001)
Neurochemistry of SOD1 and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Currì, M.T., Ceroni M., Ferri A., Gabbianelli R., Casciati Arianna, and Costa A. , Functional Neurology, Volume 16, Number 1, p.73-82, (2001)
New data on palearctic Aphthona (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with description of a new species: Taxonomic and faunistic results of biological control exploration, Konstantinov, A., Volkovitsh M.G., and Cristofaro M. , Entomological News, 2001///, Volume 112, p.31 - 41, (2001)
New data on the Late-Pleistocene and Holocene evolution of eastern Campo Felice (Abruzzo - Central Italy) [Nuovi Dati Sull'evoluzione Tardo-Pleistocenica ed Olocenica di Campo Felice (L'aquila - Abruzzo)], Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 14, Number 1, p.47-54, (2001)
Nidificazionedi Charadriidae a Castelporziano e interventi di conservazione, Pietrelli, L., Tinelli A., Cannavicci A., and Biondi M. , Uccelli D'Italia, Volume 26, p.53-59, (2001)
Nitric oxide production in Caco-2 cells exposed to different inducers, inhibitors and natural toxins, Vignoli, A.L., Srivastava R.C., Stammati A., Turco L., Tanori Mirella, and Zucco F. , Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 15, Number 4-5, p.289-295, (2001)
Novel types of lithium-ion polymer electrolyte batteries, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Marassi R., Panero S., Ronci F., Savo G., and Scrosati B. , Solid State Ionics, Volume 143, Number 1, p.73-81, (2001)
Nuovo Piano di Azione Ambientale. Tema Prioritario: Natura e Biodiversità., Padovani, Laura Maria, Andriola Luca, Sonnino Andrea, and Carrabba Paola , DOC. ENEA- Ministero Ambiente, (2001)
Olefins coordinated at a highly electrophilic site - Dicationic palladium(II) complexes and their equilibrium reactions with nucleophiles, Hahn, C., Morvillo Pasquale, and Vitagliano A. , European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Number 2, p.419-429, (2001)
Oxidative inactivation of calcineurin by Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase G93A, a mutant typical of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Ferri, A., Gabbianelli R., Casciati Arianna, Celsi F., Rotilio G., and Carrì M.T. , Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 79, Number 3, p.531-538, (2001)
Patterns of genetic differentiation and gene flow in Central Italian populations of Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis, 1827) (Insecta, Plecoptera), Ketmaier, Valerio, Fochetti R., Iannilli Valentina, and De Matthaeis E. , Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 2001///, Volume 150, p.457 - 472, (2001)
PEO-LiN(SO 2CF 2CF 3) 2 Polymer Electrolytes: I. XRD, DSC, and Ionic Conductivity Characterization, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Henderson W., Villano P., Berrettoni M., and Passerini S. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 148, Number 10, p.A1171-A1178, (2001)
Plant metabolic engineering: Requirements for success, Dharmapuri, S., and Giuliano Giovanni , British Food Journal, Volume 103, Number 11, p.764-769, (2001)
Plutonium in soil from Dolon near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, Gastberger, M., Hubmer A., Steinhäusler F., Lettner H., Spanò M., Stronati L., and Testa Antonella , Radiochimica Acta, Volume 89, Number 6, p.371-375, (2001)
Predicting the consequences of anthropogenic disturbance: Large-scale effects of loss of canopy algae on rocky shores, Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Pannacciulli Federica, Bulleri F., Moschella P.S., Airoldi L., Relini G., and Cinelli F. , Marine Ecology Progress Series, Volume 214, p.137-150, (2001)
Presureless sintering and properties of αSiC-B4C composite, Magnani, G., Beltrami G., Minoccari G.L., and Pilotti L. , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 21, Number 5, p.633-638, (2001)