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Flow cytometry, SSR and modified AFLP markers for the identification of zygotic plantlets in backcrosses between ’Femminello’ lemon cybrids (2n and 4n) and a diploid clone of ’Femminello’ lemon (Citrus limon L. Burm. F.) tolerant to mal secco dise, Scarano, M.-T., Tusa N., Abbate L., Lucretti Sergio, Nardi Luca, and Ferrante S. , Plant Science, 2003///, Volume 164, p.1009 - 1017, (2003)
Genetic heterogeneity of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy and subcortical cysts, Patrono, Clarice, Di Giacinto G., Eymard-Pierre E., Santorelli F.M., Rodriguez D., De Stefano N., Federico A., Gatti R., Benigno V., Megarbané A., et al. , Neurology, Volume 61, Number 4, p.534-537, (2003)
Geophysical survey at Talos Dome (East Antarctica), Frezzotti, M, Bitelli G., Gandolfi S., De Michelis P., Mancini F., Urbini S., Vittuari L., and Zirizzotti A. , Terra Antartica Reports, Number 8, p.117-120, (2003)
Giorgio Fiocco: A jolly good fellow and his research, Benedetti-Michelangeli, G., Cacciani M., Capasso A., Congeduti F., Di Iorio Tatiana, Di Sarra Alcide, Fuà D., Grams G., Magyar G., Pace Giandomenico, et al. , Annals of Geophysics, Volume 46, Number 2, p.173-184, (2003)
Gravitational mode calculation of basins discretized by orthogonal curvilinear grids, Beltrami, G.M., Bargagli A., and Briganti R. , Ocean Engineering, Volume 30, Number 7, p.833-853, (2003)
Growth mechanisms in chemical vapour deposited carbon nanotubes, Vinciguerra, V., Buonocore F., Panzera G., and Occhipinti L. , Nanotechnology, Volume 14, Number 6, p.655-660, (2003)
High power XeF laser with a phase-unifying unstable cavity, Aghamkar, P., Andrè B., de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Piegari A., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Ravel G. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4829 II, Firenze, p.675-677, (2003)
High resolution laser radar: A powerful tool for 3D imaging with potential applications in artwork restoration and medical prosthesis, Fantoni, R., Bordone A., M. De Collibus Ferri, Fornetti G., Guarneri M., Poggi C., and Ricci R. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 5147, Adelboden, p.116-117, (2003)
Hot-pressed, dry, composite, PEO-based electrolyte membranes: I. Ionic conductivity characterization, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Croce F., Hassoun J., Scrosati B., Salomon M., and Cassel F. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 114, Number 1, p.105-112, (2003)
Hot-pressed, solvent-free, nanocomposite, PEO-based electrolyte membranes: II. All solid-state Li/LiFePO4 polymer batteries, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Hassoun J., Scrosati B., Croce F., Cassel F., and Salomon M. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 124, Number 1, p.246-253, (2003)
Hydriding behaviour of Mg-C nanocomposites, Bassetti, A., Bonetti E., Fiorini A.L., Grbović J., Montone Amelia, Pasquini L., and Antisari M.V. , Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 801, Boston, MA., p.55-60, (2003)
Hyperbolic trigonometry in two-dimensional space-time geometry, Catoni, F., Cannata R., Catoni V., and Zampetti P. , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica B, Volume 118, Number 5, p.475-492, (2003)
I depositi alluvionali olocenici di campo imperatore (massiccio del gran sasso - abruzzo), Giraudi, C. , Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Volume 16, Number 2, p.197-205, (2003)
Improved Attractants for Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann): Responses of Sterile and Wild Flies to (-) Enantiomer of Ceralure B1, Jang, E.B., Holler T., Cristofaro M., Lux S., Raw A.S., Moses A.L., and Carvalho L.A. , Journal of Economic Entomology, 2003///, Volume 96, p.1719 - 1723, (2003)
Improved in planta expression of the human islet autoantigen glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), Avesani, L., Falorni A., Tornielli G.B., Marusic Carla, Porceddu A., Polverari A., Faleri C., Calcinaro F., and Pezzotti M. , Transgenic Research, Volume 12, Number 2, p.203-212, (2003)
Influence of doping concentration on the photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals, Lettieri, S., Maddalena P., Di Francia G., and Morvillo Pasquale , Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research, Volume 197, Number 2, Puerto de la Cruz, p.399-402, (2003)
Inhibition of c-Myc oncoprotein limits the growth of human melanoma cells by inducing cellular crisis, Biroccio, A., Amodei S., Antonelli A., Benassi Barbara, and Zupi G. , Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 278, Number 37, p.35693-35701, (2003)
Interannual variability of atmospheric CO2 in the Mediterranean: Measurements at the island at Lampedusa, Chamard, P., Thiery F., Di Sarra Alcide, Ciattaglia L., De Silvestri Lorenzo, Grigioni P., Monteleone Francesco, and Piacentino Salvatore , Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Volume 55, Number 2, p.83-93, (2003)
Investigation of swelling phenomena in poly(ethylene oxide)-based polymer electrolytes, Appetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Aihara Y., and Scrosati B. , Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 150, Number 3, p.A301-A305, (2003)
Investigation of the relationships between the chain organization and rheological properties of atactic poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels, Ricciardi, Rosa, Gaillet C., Ducouret G., Lafuma F., and Lauprêtre F. , Polymer, Volume 44, Number 11, p.3375-3380, (2003)
Iron-substituted lithium titanium spinels: Structural and electrochemical characterization, Reale, P., Panero S., Ronci F., Albertini V.R., and Scrosati B. , Chemistry of Materials, Volume 15, Number 18, p.3437-3442, (2003)
Isolation and characterization of S genome specific sequences from Aegilops sect. sitopsis species, Giorgi, Debora, D’Ovidio Renato, Tanzarella O.A., Ceoloni C., and Porceddu E. , Genome, 2003///, Volume 46, p.478 - 489, (2003)
The Italian ITASE expedition from D85 to M4 (East Antarctica), Frezzotti, M, Ceinini A., Gandolfi S., Giardini P., Flati D., Pourchet M., Quintavalla A., and Urbini S. , Terra Antartica Reports, Number 8, p.53-56, (2003)
L’approccio ecosistemico: una proposta innovativa per la gestione della biodiversità e del territorio., Padovani, Laura Maria, Carrabba Paola, and Mauro Francesco , Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione, 01/2003, Volume 49-1/2003:, p.23-32, (2003)
Laboratory-polluted soils: A methodological approach to establish equilibrium conditions for different metal chemical forms in soils, Pietrantonio, Massimiliana, Calace N., Petronio B.M., and Pietroletti M. , Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 5, Number 3, p.451-454, (2003)