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Chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect EGFR gene copy number in cell blocks from fine-needle aspirates of non small cell lung carcinomas and lung metastases from colo-rectal cancer, Simone, G., Mangia A., Malfettone A., Rubini V., Siciliano M., Di Benedetto A., Terrenato I., Novelli Flavia, and Mottolese M. , Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, Volume 29, Number 1, (2010)
Chronological records of metal deposition in sediments from the Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean: Assessing natural fluxes and anthropogenic alteration, Tranchida, G., Bellanca A., Angelone Massimo, Bonanno A., Langone L., Mazzola S., Neri R., and Patti B. , Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 79, Number 1-2, p.157-172, (2010)
Climate change effects on plant-pest-natural enemy interactions, Gutierrez, Andrew Paul, Ponti Luigi, and Gilioli Gianni , Handbook of climate change and agroecosystems: impacts, adaptation, and mitigation, 2011, London, UK, p.209-237, (2010)
Combined methods for in situ mechanical identification of ancient timber structures based on non-destructive tests, Grippa, M.R., Faggiano B., Marzo Anna, and Mazzolani F.M. , 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010, WCTE 2010, Volume 2, Trentino, p.1442-1447, (2010)
Combining back-propagation and genetic algorithms to train neural networks for start-up time modeling in combined cycle power plants, Bertin, I., De Felice Matteo, and Pizzuti S. , Proceedings of the 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks - Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, ESANN 2010, p.165-170, (2010)
Comparative acute lung inflammation induced by atmospheric PM and size-fractionated tire particles, Mantecca, P., Farina F., Moschini E., Gallinotti D., Gualtieri Maurizio, Rohr A., Sancini G., Palestini P., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 198, Number 2, p.244-254, (2010)
Comparison of Fiber and Cuticular Attributes of Alpaca and Llama Fleeces, Valbonesi, A., Cristofanelli S., Pierdominici F., Gonzales M., and Antonini Marco , Textile Research Journal, Volume 80, Number 4, p.344-353, (2010)
Comparison of OMI NO2 tropospheric columns with an ensemble of global and European regional air quality models, Huijnen, V., Eskes H.J., Poupkou A., Elbern H., Boersma K.F., Foret G., Sofiev M., Valdebenito A., Flemming J., Stein O., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Number 7, p.3273-3296, (2010)
Comparison of OMI NO2 tropospheric columns with an ensemble of global and European regional air quality models, Huijnen, V., Eskes H.J., Poupkou A., Elbern H., Boersma K.F., Foret G., Sofiev M., Valdebenito A., Flemming J., Stein O., et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 10, Number 7, p.3273-3296, (2010)
Complex covering timber structures in monumental buildings: A study case, Grippa, M.R., Marzo Anna, Faggiano B., and Mazzolani F.M. , Advanced Materials Research, Volume 133-134, Shanghai, p.543-548, (2010)
Concomitant CXCR4 and CXCR7 expression predicts poor prognosis in renal cancer., D'Alterio, C, Consales Claudia, Polimeno M, Franco R, Cindolo L, Portella L, Cioffi M, Calemma R, Marra L, Claudio L, et al. , Curr Cancer Drug Targets, 2010 Nov, Volume 10, Issue 7, p.772-81, (2010)
The conductivity of pyrrolidinium and sulfonylimide-based ionic liquids: A combined experimental and computational study, Johansson, P., Fast L.E., Matic A., Appetecchi Giovanni Battista, and Passerini S. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Number 7, p.2074-2076, (2010)
Contribution of COSMO/SKYMED data into PRIMI: A Pilot Project on marine oil pollution. Results after one year of operations, Nirchio, F., Pandiscia G., Ruggieri G., Santoleri R., Pinardi N., Trivero P., Castellani C., Tataranni F., Masini A., Adamo M., et al. , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Honolulu, HI, p.4799-4802, (2010)
Control trials against mealybugs in organic vineyards., Baldacchino, Ferdinando, Ambrico A, Trupo Mario, Colella T, Caponero A, Mennone G, Quinto GR, and others , Giornate Fitopatologiche 2010, Cervia (RA), Italia, 9-12 marzo 2010. Atti, volume primo, p.151–158, (2010)
Crack healing in liquid-phase-pressureless-sintered silicon carbide-aluminum nitride composites, Magnani, G., Beaulardi L., Brentari A., Toyoda T., and Takahashi K. , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 30, Number 3, p.769-773, (2010)
The Cyclops islands, Padovani, Laura Maria , Natural Heritage from East to West, Volume 1, p.185-191, (2010)
Decomposition of ethylene carbonate on electrodeposited metal thin film anode, Bridel, J.-S., Grugeon S., Laruelle S., Hassoun J., Reale P., Scrosati B., and Tarascon J.-M. , Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Number 7, p.2036-2043, (2010)
On depth and temperature biases in bathythermograph data: Development of a new correction scheme based on analysis of a global ocean database, Gouretski, V., and Reseghetti Franco , Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 57, Number 6, p.812-833, (2010)
Design of fullerene derivatives as electron acceptors for polymer solar cells, Morvillo, Pasquale, and Bobeico E. , Photovoltaics: Developments, Applications, and Impact, p.89-108, (2010)
Determination of the safety level of an advanced lithium ion battery having a nanostructured Sn-C anode, a high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode, and a polyvinylidene fluoride-based gel electrolyte, Hassoun, J., Reale P., Panero S., Scrosati B., Wachtler M., Fleischhammer M., Kasper M., and Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. , Electrochimica Acta, Volume 55, Number 13, p.4194-4200, (2010)
Developmental and oncogenic effects of insulin-like growth factor-I in Ptc1+/- mouse cerebellum, Tanori, Mirella, Santone Melissa, Mancuso Mariateresa, Pasquali Emanuela, Leonardi Simona, Di Majo Vincenzo, Rebessi Simonetta, Saran Anna, and Pazzaglia Simonetta , Mol Cancer, 2010 Mar 09, Volume 9, p.53, (2010)
Differences in cytotoxicity versus pro-inflammatory potency of different PM fractions in human epithelial lung cells, Gualtieri, Maurizio, Øvrevik J., Holme J.A., Perrone M.G., Bolzacchini E., Schwarze P.E., and Camatini M. , Toxicology in Vitro, Volume 24, Number 1, p.29-39, (2010)
Differential role of CD133 and CXCR4 in renal cell carcinoma., D'Alterio, Crescenzo, Cindolo Luca, Portella Luigi, Polimeno Marianeve, Consales Claudia, Riccio Anna, Cioffi Michele, Franco Renato, Chiodini Paolo, Cartenì Giacomo, et al. , Cell Cycle, 2010 Nov 15, Volume 9, Issue 22, p.4492-4500, (2010)
Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera Culicidae) Males in Italian Urban Areas and Significance for Sterile Insect Application., Bellini, R., Albieri Alessandro, Balestrino Fabrizio, Carrieri Massimo, Porretta Daniele, Calvitti Maurizio, Urbanelli Sandra, Moretti Riccardo, and Maini Stefano , Journal of Medical Entomology, 12/2010, Volume 47, Number 6, p.1082-1091, (2010)
A disposable Laccase-Tyrosinase based biosensor for amperometric detection of phenolic compounds in must and wine, Montereali, Maria Rita, Seta L.D., Vastarella W, and Pilloton R. , Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, Volume 64, Number 3-4, p.189-194, (2010)