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Archaeological and environmental changes between 9500 BP and 4500 BP: A contribution from the Sahara to understand expanding droughts in the "Great Mediterranean", Garcea, E.A.A., Mercuri A.M., and Giraudi C. , Annali di Botanica, Volume 3, p.115-120, (2013)
Arsenic and fluorine in the Etnean volcanics from Biancavilla, Sicily, Italy: Environmental implications, Armiento, Giovanna, and Angelone Massimo , (2013)
Assessing ozone and nitrogen impact on net primary productivity with a Generalised non-Linear Model, De Marco, Alessandra, Screpanti Augusto, Attorre F., Proietti C., and Vitale M. , Environmental Pollution, Volume 172, p.250-263, (2013)
Assessing the environmental performance and sustainability of national agricultural systems, Zucaro, Amalia, Mellino S., Viglia Silvio, and Ulgiati S. , Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, Volume 1, Number 4, p.381-397, (2013)
Asymmetry effect of novel per(fluoroalkylsulfonyl)imide anions in pyrrolidinium ionic liquids, Jeremias, S., Carewska M., Conte L., Passerini S., and Appetecchi Giovanni Battista , RSC Advances, Volume 3, Number 39, p.17755-17761, (2013)
The atmospheric chemistry and climate model intercomparison Project (ACCMIP): Overview and description of models, simulations and climate diagnostics, Lamarque, J.-F., Shindell D.T., Josse B., Young P.J., Cionni Irene, Eyring V., Bergmann D., Cameron-Smith P., Collins W.J., Doherty R., et al. , Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 6, Number 1, p.179-206, (2013)
Automotive spent catalysts treatment and platinum recovery, Pietrelli, L., and Fontana Danilo , International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Volume 11, Number 2, p.222-232, (2013)
Bacterial community composition and proteome analysis of fresh-cut lettuce in innovative packages, Daroda, Lorenza , Congress of Microbiologists FEMS, july 2013, (2013)
Benefits from using combined dynamical-statistical downscaling approaches - Lessons from a case study in the Mediterranean region, Guyennon, N., Romano E., Portoghese I., Salerno F., Calmanti Sandro, Petrangeli A.B., Tartari G., and Copetti D. , Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 17, Number 2, p.705-720, (2013)
Beryllium natural background concentration and mobility: A reappraisal examining the case of high Be-bearing pyroclastic rocks, Armiento, Giovanna, Bellatreccia F., Cremisini C., G. Ventura della, Nardi Elisa, and Pacifico R. , Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 185, Number 1, p.559-572, (2013)
Beyond DNA repair, the immunological role of PARP-1 and its siblings, Rosado, M.M., Bennici Elisabetta, Novelli Flavia, and Pioli Claudio , Immunology, Volume 139, Number 4, p.428-437, (2013)
Biochemical Analysis in almond and hazelnut European cultivars, Rovira, M., Romero A., Botta R., Di Giammatteo V, Duval H., Drogoudi P., Silva A., Spera D., R. Company Socia i, Solar A., et al. , Volume Annals and Nutrition metabolism 62 (2), 82, (2013)
BIODIVERSITÀ ENTOMOLOGICA PER LA CARATTERIZZAZIONE DI AGROECOSISTEMI AD ALTO VALORE NATURALISTICO: ALCUNI RISULTATI NEL PROGETTO AGRIVAL, Letardi, Agostino, Giordano Ludovica, Iannilli Valentina, Tronci Carlo, Trotta Claudia, and Menegoni Patrizia , IX Convegno Nazionale Biodiversità, 2013, Volume 3, Valenzano (Bari, Italy), p.307-310, (2013)
Bioethanol production from mixed sugars by Scheffersomyces stipitis free and immobilized cells, and co-cultures with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Liuzzi, F., Cuna Daniela, and de Bari I. , NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, Volume 30, Number 6, p.591-597, (2013)
Biogas upgrading via membrane process: Modelling of pilot plant scale and the end uses for the grid injection, Molino, Antonio, Migliori M., Ding Y., Bikson B., Giordano G., and Braccio G. , Fuel, Volume 107, p.585-592, (2013)
Biology and monitoring of Dryocosmus kuriphilus on Castanea sativa in Southern Italy, Bernardo, U., Iodice L., Sasso Raffaele, Tutore V.A., Cascone P., and Guerrieri Emilio , Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2013///, Volume 15, p.65 - 76, (2013)
Biomethane production by anaerobic digestion of organic waste, Molino, Antonio, Nanna F., Ding Y., Bikson B., and Braccio G. , Fuel, Volume 103, p.1003-1009, (2013)
Biotechnologies at work for smallholders: case studies from developing countries in crops, livestock and fish., Ruane, John, Dargie James D., Mba C, Boettcher P, Makkar HPS, Bartley Devin M., Sonnino Andrea, and others , (2013)
Broadband microchamber for electrical detection of live and dead biological cells, Palego, C., Merla Caterina, Ning Y., Multari C.R., Cheng X., Molinero D.G., Ding G., Luo X., and Hwang J.C.M. , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, (2013)
Cell cycle alterations induced by urban PM2.5 in bronchial epithelial cells: Characterization of the process and possible mechanisms involved, Longhin, E., Holme J.A., Gutzkow K.B., Arlt V.M., Kucab J.E., Camatini M., and Gualtieri Maurizio , Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Volume 10, Number 1, (2013)
Characterization by length heterogeneity (LH)-PCR of a hydrogen-producing community obtained in dark fermentation using coastal lake sediment as an inoculum, Di Bonito, R., Marone A., Massini G., Patriarca C., Rosa S., Signorini A., Varrone C., Viola C., and Izzo G. , Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2013, Volume 3, p.1 - 5, (2013)
Characterization of a new regulatory CD4+ T cell subset in primary sjögren's syndrome, Alunno, Alessia, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Nocentini Giuseppe, Bistoni Onelia, Bartoloni Elena, Caterbi Sara, Bianchini Rodolfo, Baldini Chiara, Nicoletti Ildo, Riccardi Carlo, et al. , Rheumatology (United Kingdom), Volume 52, Number 8, p.1387 – 1396, (2013)
A Chlamydomonas-derived Human Papillomavirus 16 E7 vaccine induces specific tumor protection, Demurtas, Olivia Costantina, Massa Silvia, Ferrante Paola, Venuti Aldo, Franconi Rosella, and Giuliano Giovanni , PloS one, Volume 8, Number 4, p.e61473, (2013)
A Chlamydomonas-derived human papillomavirus 16 E7 vaccine induces specific tumor protection., Demurtas, Olivia Costantina, Massa Silvia, Ferrante Paola, Venuti Aldo, Franconi Rosella, and Giuliano Giovanni , PloS ONE, 2013, Volume 8, Number 4, p.e61473, (2013)
Cibo ed energia un approccio sostenibile, Iannetta, Massimo, Presenti Ombretta, Colucci Federica, and Vitali Fabio , Rapporto Italia 2013, (2013)