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Traditional land uses enhanced plant biodiversity in a Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system, Bagella, S., Caria M.C., Farris E., Rossetti Ivo, and Filigheddu R. , Plant Biosystems, Volume 150, Number 2, p.201-207, (2016)
Transcriptome and metabolome of synthetic Solanum autotetraploids reveal key genomic stress events following polyploidization, Fasano, C., Diretto Gianfranco, Aversano R., D'Agostino N., Di Matteo A., Frusciante L., Giuliano Giovanni, and Carputo D. , New Phytologist, Volume 210, Number 4, p.1382-1394, (2016)
Transcriptomics of tomato plants infected with TYLCSV or expressing the central TYLCSV Rep protein domain uncover changes impacting pathogen response and senescence, Lucioli, Alessandra, Perla C., Berardi A., Gatti F., Spanò L., and Tavazza Mario , Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , Volume 103 , (2016)
Treatment planning in microwave thermal ablation: clinical gaps and recent research advances, Lopresto, Vanni, Pinto Rosanna, Farina L., and Cavagnaro M. , International Journal of Hyperthermia, p.1-18, (2016)
Twenty-first century projected summer mean climate in the Mediterranean interpreted through the monsoon-desert mechanism, Cherchi, A., Annamalai H., Masina S., Navarra A., and Alessandri Andrea , Climate Dynamics, Volume 47, Number 7-8, p.2361-2371, (2016)
Two stage process of microalgae cultivation for starch and carotenoid production, Di Caprio, F, Visca Andrea, Altimari P, Toro L, Masciocchi B, Iaquaniello G, and Pagnanelli Francesca , Chemical Engineering Transactions, Volume 49, p.415–420, (2016)
Ultrasonic analysis and lock-in thermography for debonding evaluation of composite adhesive joints, Palumbo, Domenico, Tamborrino R., Galietti U., Aversa Patrizia, Tatì Angelo, and Luprano Vincenza A. M. , NDT and E International, Volume 78, p.1-9, (2016)
Uranium natural levels in water and soils: assessment of the Italian situation in relation to quality standards for drinking water, Armiento, Giovanna, Angelone Massimo, De Cassan Maurizio, Nardi Elisa, Proposito Marco, and Cremisini C. , Rendiconti Lincei, Volume 27, Number 1, p.39-50, (2016)
UV treatment for the removal of bromate formed during ozonation of groundwater. Influence of the oxidation process on the removal efficiency, Tammaro, Marco, Fiandra V., Salluzzo Antonio, Patti A., and Lancia A. , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, p.3293-3302, (2016)
Validation of newly designed regional earth system model (RegESM) for Mediterranean Basin, Turuncoglu, U.U., and Sannino Gianmaria , Climate Dynamics, Volume 48, Number 9-10, p.1-29, (2016)
Valorizzare i predatori per salvaguardare la biodiversità vegetale: il caso Chrysoperla carnea sl, Letardi, Agostino, and Baldacchino Ferdinando , 11° Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità, (2016)
Valorizzare i predatori per salvaguardare la biodiversità vegetale: il caso Chrysoperla carnea s.l., Letardi, Agostino, Tabilio Maria Rosaria, Toth Miklos, Lamaj F., Ibrahim Aya, and Baldacchino Ferdinando , (2016)
VALORIZZARE I PREDATORI PER SALVAGUARDARE LA BIODIVERSITÀ VEGETALE: IL CASO CHRYSOPERLA CARNEA SL, Baldacchino, Ferdinando, Ibrahim Aya, Lamaj Flutura, Toth Miklos, Rosaria Maria, and Tabilio Agostino Letardi , (2016)
Variability of mineral dust deposition in the western Mediterranean basin and south-east of France, Vincent, J., Laurent B., Losno R., Nguyen E.B., Roullet P., Sauvage S., Chevaillier S., Coddeville P., Ouboulmane N., Di Sarra Alcide, et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16, Number 14, p.8749-8766, (2016)
Variations in the chemical composition of the submicron aerosol and in the sources of the organic fraction at a regional background site of the Po Valley (Italy), Bressi, M., Cavalli F., Belis C.A., Putaud J.-P., Fröhlich R., S. Santos Martins Dos, Petralia Ettore, Prévôt A.S.H., Berico M., Malaguti Antonella, et al. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16, Number 20, p.12875-12896, (2016)
Virus-induced gene silencing as a tool to study Tomato Fruit Biochemistry, Fantini, E., and Giuliano Giovanni , Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1363, p.65-78, (2016)
VIS-IR study of brucite–clay–carbonate mixtures: Implications for Ceres surface composition, De Angelis, S., Manzari P., De Sanctis M.C., Ammannito E., and Di Iorio Tatiana , Icarus, Volume 280, p.315-327, (2016)
Welding of IN792 DS superalloy by electron beam, Montanari, R., Varone A., Barbieri Giuseppe, Soltani P., Mezzi A., and Kaciulis S. , Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 48, Number 7, p.483-487, (2016)
When exotic biocontrol agents travel without passport: First record of Quadrastichus mendeli, parasitoid of the blue-gum chalcid Leptocybe invasa, in Italy, Nugnes, F., Gebiola M., Gualtieri L., Russo E., Sasso R, and Bernardo U. , Bulletin of Insectology, Volume 69, Number 1, p.85-91, (2016)
A Wideband Microwave Exposure Setup for Suspended Cells Cultures: Numerical and Experimental em Characterization, Collin, A., Merla Caterina, Perrin A., Arnaud-Cormos D., and Leveque P. , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 15, p.278-281, (2016)
wPip Wolbachia contribution to Aedes albopictus SIT performance: Advantages under intensive rearing, Puggioli, A., Calvitti Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, and Bellini R. , Acta Tropica, Volume 164, p.473-481, (2016)
XBT science: Assessment of instrumental biases and errors, Cheng, L., Abraham J., Goni G., Boyer T., Wijffels S., Cowley R., Gouretski V., Reseghetti Franco, Kizu S., Dong S., et al. , Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Number 6, p.923-933, (2016)
Zinc oxide nanorods-decorated graphene nanoplatelets: A promising antimicrobial agent against the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans, Zanni, E., Chandraiahgari C.R., De Bellis G., Montereali Maria Rita, Armiento Giovanna, Ballirano P., Polimeni A., Sarto M.S., and Uccelletti D. , Nanomaterials, Volume 6, Number 10, p.179, (2016)