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A new method to estimate the systematical biases of expendable bathythermograph, Cheng, L., Zhu J., Reseghetti Franco, and Liu Q. , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 28, Number 2, p.244-265, (2011)
New Stone-Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus wintering site in central Italy, Biondi, M., Pietrelli L., Scrocca R., and Meschini A. , Wader Study Group Bulletin, Volume 118, Number 1, p.63-64, (2011)
A new Wolbachia infection in Aedes albopictus: benefits to the genetic control of this mosquito species, , Emerging vector borne deseases: the role of Aedes mosquitoes, 05/2011, Cervia (Ravenna, Italy) May 9-10, 2011 - Palazzo dei congressi, via Jelenia Gora 12 – Milano Marittima, (2011)
Nickel and low CO2-controlled motility in Chlamydomonas through complementation of a paralyzed flagella mutant with chemically regulated promoters, Ferrante, P., Diener D.R., Rosenbaum J.L., and Giuliano Giovanni , BMC Plant Biology, Volume 11, (2011)
Nile damming as plausible cause of extinction and drop in abundance of deep-sea shrimp in the western Mediterranean over broad spatial scales, Cartes, J.E., Maynou F., and Fanelli E. , Progress in Oceanography, Volume 91, Number 3, p.286-294, (2011)
The nuclear protein HMGB1 is increased in the stools of IBD patients and appears to be a novel marker of intestinal inflammation, Stronati, Laura, Vitali Roberta, Negroni Anna, Di Nardo Giovanni, Del Giudice Emanuela, Costanzo Manuela, Pierdomenico Maria, Rossi Paolo, and Cucchiara Salvatore , Gastroenterology, Volume 5, Number 140, p.S–491, (2011)
Numerical modeling of three-dimensional stratified tidal flow over Camarinal Sill, Strait of Gibraltar, Snchez-Garrido, J.C., Sannino Gianmaria, Liberti L., J. Lafuente García, and Pratt L. , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 116, Number 12, (2011)
Odour detection methods: Olfactometry and chemical sensors, Brattoli, M., De Gennaro G., de Pinto V., Loiotile A.D., Lovascio S., and Penza Michele , Sensors, Volume 11, Number 5, p.5290-5322, (2011)
Omics underpins novel clues on VDR chemoprevention target in breast cancer, Muti, P., Benassi Barbara, Falvo E., Santoro R., Galanti S., Citro G., Carrubba G., Blandino G., and Strano S. , OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, Volume 15, Number 6, p.337-346, (2011)
Opposite modifying effects of HR and NHEJ deficiency on cancer risk in Ptc1 heterozygous mouse cerebellum., Tanori, Mirella, Pasquali Emanuela, Leonardi Simona, Giardullo Paola, Di Majo V, Taccioli G, Essers J, Kanaar R, Mullenders L H., Atkinson M J., et al. , Oncogene, 2011 Nov 24, Volume 30, Issue 47, p.4740-9, (2011)
Opposite modifying effects of HR and NHEJ deficiency on cancer risk in Ptc1 heterozygous mouse cerebellum, Tanori, Mirella, Pasquali Emanuela, Leonardi Simona, Giardullo Paola, Di Majo V., Taccioli G., Essers J., Kanaar R., Mullenders L.H., Atkinson M.J., et al. , Oncogene, Volume 30, Number 47, p.4740-4749, (2011)
Optimization of polymer solar cells: An approach to increase the open circuit voltage, Morvillo, Pasquale, and Bobeico E. , New Trends in Chemical Physics Research, p.207-224, (2011)
Optimization of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis in bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass, Verardi, Alessandra , (2011)
Optimizing H2 production from waste tires via combined steam gasification and catalytic reforming, Portofino, Sabrina, Casu S., Iovane Pierpaolo, Russo A., Martino Maria, Donatelli Antonio, and Galvagno Sergio , Energy and Fuels, Volume 25, Number 5, p.2232-2241, (2011)
An overview of the Gulf of Batabanó (Cuba): Environmental features as revealed by surface sediment characterisation, Alonso-Hernandez, C.M., Conte Fabio, Misic C., Barsanti Mattia, Gómez-Batista M., Diaz-Asencio M., Covazzi-Harriague A., and Pannacciulli Federica , Continental Shelf Research, Volume 31, Number 7-8, p.749-757, (2011)
Oxidation resistance of SIC-AlN ceramics coated by oxidation-assisted-pack cementation process, Magnani, G., Antolini F., Beaulardi L., Brentari A., and Burresi Emiliano , Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 31, Number 3, p.369-376, (2011)
Ozone database in support of CMIP5 simulations: Results and corresponding radiative forcing, Cionni, Irene, Eyring V., Lamarque J.F., Randel W.J., Stevenson D.S., Wu F., Bodeker G.E., Shepherd T.G., Shindell D.T., and Waugh D.W. , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 11, Number 21, p.11267-11292, (2011)
Ozone simulations with atmospheric modelling system of MINNI project: A multi year evaluation over Italy, Mircea, Mihaela, Briganti Gino, Cappelletti Andrea, Vitali Lina, Pace Giandomenico, D'Isidoro Massimo, Righini Gaia, Piersanti Antonio, Cremona Giuseppe, Cionni Irene, et al. , HARMO 2011 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p.52-56, (2011)
Ozone stress in woody plants assessed with chlorophyll a fluorescence. A critical reassessment of existing data, Bussotti, F., Desotgiu R., Cascio C., Pollastrini M., Gravano E., Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Salvatori Elisabetta, et al. , Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 73, Number 1, p.19-30, (2011)
The Paenibacillus polymyxa species is abundant among hydrogen-producing facultative anaerobic bacteria in Lake Averno sediment., Lal, Sadhana, Romano Stefano, Chiarini L., Signorini Antonella, and Tabacchioni Silvia , Archives of microbiology, 2011 Oct 29, Volume epub ahead of print, (2011)
A pathogenetic approach to autoimmune skin disease therapy: Psoriasis and biological drugs, unresolved issues, and future directions, Ayroldi, Emira, Bastianelli Alessandra, Cannarile Lorenza, Petrillo Maria Grazia, Delfino Domenico V., and Fierabracci Alessandra , Current Pharmaceutical Design, Volume 17, Number 29, p.3176 – 3190, (2011)
Pathogenicity and biotechnological applications of the genus Burkholderia, Paganin, Patrizia, Tabacchioni Silvia, and Chiarini L. , Central European Journal of Biology, 2011///, Volume 6, p.997 - 1005, (2011)
Perturbation of polyamine catabolism can strongly affect root development and xylem differentiation., Tisi, Alessandra, Federico Rodolfo, Moreno Sandra, Lucretti Sergio, Moschou Panagiotis N., Roubelakis-Angelakis Kalliopi A., Angelini Riccardo, and Cona Alessandra , Plant physiology, 2011 Sep, Volume 157, p.200-15, (2011)
Phenology of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: Medium and long-term cycles and climate inferences, Peirano, Andrea, Cocito Silvia, Banfi Valeria, Cupido Roberta, Damasso Valentina, Farina Gianfranco, Lombardi Chiara, Mauro Roberta, Morri Carla, Roncarolo Ingrid, et al. , AQUATIC BOTANY, FEB, Volume 94, Number 2, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, p.77-92, (2011)
Plant heat shock protein 70 as carrier for immunization against a plant-expressed reporter antigen, Buriani, G., Mancini C., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Baschieri Selene , Transgenic Research, Volume 20, Number 2, p.331-344, (2011)