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Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition: A Position Paper on METROFOOD-RI and its e-component

TitoloPromoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition: A Position Paper on METROFOOD-RI and its e-component
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2019
AutoriOgrinc, N., Seljak B.K., Presser K., Ocke M., Iatco I., and Zoani Claudia
Conference NameProceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019
Parole chiaveBig data, E- services, Electronic component, Electronic infrastructure, FAIR, Food products, Health foods, Interoperability, measurement, Nutrition, Position papers, Research infrastructure, Working groups

This position paper describes the METROFOODRI research infrastructure, which has been included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2018 in the domain Health and Food, with a focus on its electronic component. The Strategy Working Group and the Implementation Group in their evaluations clearly stated that the project fills a gap in the Health Food domain and sufficiently mature to proceed with its implementation. One of the main tasks of the project is to integrate physical and electronic infrastructure based on FAIR data principles. © 2019 IEEE.

Citation KeyOgrinc20195162