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Hydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu-0.65Cr-0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applications

TitoloHydrogen and deuterium transport and inventory parameters in a Cu-0.65Cr-0.08Zr alloy for fusion reactor applications
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1998
AutoriSerra, Emanuele, and Perujo A.
RivistaJournal of Nuclear Materials
Parole chiaveAge hardening, Copper alloys, deuterium, Diffusion in solids, Extrapolation, Fusion reactions, High temperature operations, Hydrogen, Mathematical models, Mechanical permeability, Nuclear Reactors, quantum theory, Sieverts' constant, tritium

A time dependent permeation method has been used to measure the transport and inventory parameters of hydrogen and deuterium in the precipitation hardened (PH) Cu-0.65 wt% Cr-0.08 wt% Zr alloy (ELBRODUR HF). The measurements cover the temperature range from 553 to 773 K using a hydrogen or deuterium pressure in the range 1-100 kPa. The permeabilities, diffusivities and Sieverts' constant values for ELBRODUR obtained in this work were about 2 time higher, 2 times lower and between 3 and 10 time higher respectively to that of Cu (F. Reiter et al., A compilation of Tritium Material Interaction Parameters in Fusion Reactor Materials, EUR 15217 EN (1993)) in the temperature range studied. Using the measured diffusivities and Sieverts' constant values for H2 and D2 and a quantum-mechanical model, an extrapolation for tritium is also presented. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Citation KeySerra19981028