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Adoption of modern varieties, farmers' welfare and crop biodiversity: Evidence from Uganda

TitoloAdoption of modern varieties, farmers' welfare and crop biodiversity: Evidence from Uganda
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2015
AutoriCoromaldi, M., Pallante G., and Savastano S.
RivistaEcological Economics
Parole chiaveagroecology, Biodiversity, crop production, environmental economics, intensive agriculture, rural area, rural development, Uganda, vulnerability, welfare economics

This paper assesses the impact of modern varieties adoption on farmers' welfare and crop biodiversity conserved in-situ. Using nationally representative data collected in 2009/2010 in Uganda, an endogenous switching regression model estimates the net economic and environmental effects of switching from local landraces to modern species. Results show that, after controlling for market and agro-ecological factors, the local varieties perform better than modern ones in marginalized and climatic vulnerable areas. Crop biodiversity shows to play a fundamental role in farmers' risk minimizing strategies when the available modern varieties are not adaptable to the local context and not supported by the required level of agro-intensification. Rural development policies should consider the heterogeneity in the adoption returns and support diversity conservation as a national strategic asset for a suitable bioprospecting and a best-fitting agricultural system implementation. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.


cited By 9

Citation KeyCoromaldi2015346