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The dynamics of the David Glacier and of the Drygalski ice tongue, Victoria Land, Antarctica [La dinamica del ghiacciaio di sbocco David e della sua lingua galleggiante Drygalski (Terra Vittoria, Antartide)]

TitoloThe dynamics of the David Glacier and of the Drygalski ice tongue, Victoria Land, Antarctica [La dinamica del ghiacciaio di sbocco David e della sua lingua galleggiante Drygalski (Terra Vittoria, Antartide)]
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1994
AutoriFrezzotti, M
RivistaMemorie - Societa Geografica Italiana
Parole chiaveantarctica, calving, David Glacier, Drygalski Ice Tongue, Dynamics, glacier, Historical data, ice discharge, ice edge, ice observations, iceberg, satellite image, Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land

David Glacier is the largest outlet glacier of northern Victoria Land, which drains a part of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (224 000km2). The glacier terminates in Terra Nova Bay forming an ice tongue called Drygalski, about 92km in length during 1990. The analysis of historical documents (maps, sketches and data), of aerial photographs (TMA) and of satellite images (Landsat MSS and TM) allows an evaluation of ice cliff variation of the Drygalski Ice Tongue during 20th century. Variations in the surface velocities (from 136±30m a-1 to 912m a-1), the ice discharge of the southern flow (from 12km3 a-1 to 2km3 a-1) are deduced. -from English summary


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Citation KeyFrezzotti1994247