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Effects of air pollution on materials and cultural heritage: ICP materials celebrates 25 years of research

TitoloEffects of air pollution on materials and cultural heritage: ICP materials celebrates 25 years of research
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2012
AutoriTidblad, J., Kucera V., Ferm M., Kreislova K., Brüggerhoff S., Doytchinov S., Screpanti Augusto, Grøntoft T., Yates T., De La Fuente D., Roots O., Lombardo T., Simon S., Faller M., Kwiatkowski L., Kobus J., Varotsos C., Tzanis C., Krage L., Schreiner M., Melcher M., Grancharov I., and Karmanova N.
RivistaInternational Journal of Corrosion
Parole chiaveCarbon steel, Corrosion, Cultural heritages, Different materials, Limestone, Test site, Zinc

An overview is given of all results from the International Co-operative Programme on Effects on Materials including Historic and Cultural Monuments (ICP Materials), which was launched in 1985. Since then, about twenty different materials have been exposed repeatedly in a network of test sites consisting of more than twenty sites with an extensive environmental characterisation and more than sixty official reports have been issued. Recent results on trends in corrosion, soiling, and pollution show that corrosion of carbon steel, zinc, and limestone is today substantially lower than 25 years ago, but while corrosion of carbon steel has decreased until today, corrosion of zinc and limestone has remained more or less constant since the turn of the century. Unique data are given on measured HNO3 concentrations from 2002-2003, 2005-2006, and 2008-2009, and the relative average decrease was about the same from 2002-2003 to 2005-2006 as it was from 2005-2006 to 2008-2009. © 2012 Johan Tidblad et al.


cited By 23

Citation KeyTidblad2012