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Transgenic crops and sustainable agriculture in the European context

TitoloTransgenic crops and sustainable agriculture in the European context
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2005
AutoriPonti, Luigi
RivistaBulletin of Science, Technology and Society
Paginazione289 - 305
Data di pubblicazione2005///
Parole chiaveAgricultural biodiversity, Participatory technology assessment, Precautionary principle, Scientific uncertainty, Transgenic crops deployment in europe

The rapid adoption of transgenic crops in the United States, Argentina, and Canada stands in strong contrast to the situation in the European Union (EU), where a de facto moratorium has been in place since 1998. This article reviews recent scientific literature relevant to the problematic introduction of transgenic crops in the EU to assess if there are specific reasons why transgenic crops have a potentially greater adverse impact on sustainable agriculture in the EU context than elsewhere. Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals: environmental health, economic profitability, and socioeconomic equity. Transgenic crops do not appear a suitable tool for sustainable agriculture in the EU due to specific environmental, economic, and socioeconomic reasons. Therefore, a moratorium on transgenic crops based on the precautionary principle should be officially adopted until proper risk assessment. In addition, agroecological alternatives to transgenic crops fit better the EU vision of agriculture. Copyright © 2005 Sage Publications.


Cited By (since 1996): 3Export Date: 27 January 2011Source: Scopus

Citation Key1046