Found 61 results
Filters: Author is Massimo Angelone
Influence of inheritance and pedogenesis on heavy metal distribution in soils of Sicily, Italy,
, Geoderma, Volume 95, Number 3-4, p.247-266, (2000)
Determination of total selenium in mussel and wheat samples after tetramethylammonium hydroxide digestion,
, Annali di Chimica, Volume 89, Number 11-12, p.873-880, (1999)
Digestion methods for analysis of fly ash samples by atomic absorption spectrometry,
, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 395, Number 1-2, p.157-163, (1999)
A multidisciplinary approach to earthquake research: Implementation of a Geochemical Geographic Information System for the Gargano Site, Southern Italy,
, Natural Hazards, Volume 20, Number 2-3, p.255-278, (1999)
Environmental stresses and genetic variation in Gammarus aequicauda,
, VII International Congress of Ecology, 07/1998, Firenze, (1998)
Geochemical characterization of ophiolitic soils in a temperate climate: A multivariate statistical approach,
, Geoderma, Volume 75, Number 1-2, p.117-133, (1997)
Semi-quantitative time resolved LIBS measurements,
, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 65, Number 1, p.101-107, (1997)
Pedogeochemical evolution and trace elements availability to plants in ophiolitic soils,
, Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 129, Number 3, p.291-309, (1993)
Total and EDTA‐extractable element contents in ophiolitic soils from Tuscany (Italy),
, Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, Volume 154, Number 3, p.217-223, (1991)
Clay mineral formation from mafic rocks in temperate climate, central Italy,
, Sciences Geologiques - Bulletin, Volume 43, Number 2-4, p.129-138, (1990)
The Brasimone Basin soils: soil evolution, mineralogy and geochemistry [I suoli del bacino del Brasimone (BO): pedogenesi, mineralogia, geochimica],
, Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta, Volume 31, p.217-241, (1988)